
962 14 5


Ships: technically jondami

Jon: 17
Damian: 16

⚠️This chapter deals with the subject of r*pe and drug use. If you are sensitive to either topics I strongly suggest that you skip this chapter ⚠️

When Jon comes back from being kidnapped and tested on he isn't the same. He becomes deeply deranged and super obsessed with damian. He ends up violating him and puts him in a place where he can never leave.


Damian's POV

Why? Why did thing go so wrong?

This should have been the best day of my life. But all of my hopes were crushed as soon as his hand moved up my- no I don't want to think about it.

It all started the day he came back.

Jon was taken by an underground military group that captured and tested on extra terrestrial beings. He had been gone for months, 7 months 2 weeks and 5 days to be exact. I was the one who saw him be abducted from the top of the roof. I always thought it was my fault so did Lois and Clark and a lot of other people.

They blamed me for letting him be taken and father never said anything he just let it it all happen. But the day came when they found him.

He was in an underground bunker run by a European group that has been around for about 7 years. They were constantly running test on him and trying to get his blood to make a serum that the team is still trying to figure out what for.

When they came into the bat cave with him I felt a large range of emotion. I was so happy he was back but I was so confused, so worried. As soon as Kent saw me standing there he looked angrily at me then turned back to his son trying to lead him out of the room away from me.

When they were about to get to the door jon turned around to look at me with his drained blue eyes. I expected him to be mad that I let him be taken but no he looked at me and smiled as he ran over and hugged me. I was happy and slightly confused but I let it happen.

All until I realized something, this was different. Usually he would give me a small friendly hug or a really tight hug if he was excited or something of the sorts. But no, this was different. He was squeezing me tightly, not a happy or excited tight but a harsh and needing tight and his hand were lower than usual.

Kent came to pull him off of me not wanting me to hurt him again. But he just held tighter and looked at me with a creepy smile.

He finally let go and walked of with his father and a few others. That should have been the first red flag but no. I was to lost in the sea of emotion to even read anything.

I've made a silent agreement with the Kents that I should keep my distance from Jon. I tried but everytime we were at school he'd always sit super close to me and always be touching me in the hallways.

Ever since he came back I've had the feeling of someone watching me. Especially when I sleep. I've ever taken the liberty of contacting my mother to make sure she didn't send any league members to spy on or kid nap me. She said she didn't and I believe her, my mother is a lot of things but a liar is not one of them.

I was almost certain it was Jon, then I saw it. It was the middle of a stormy night. I tried to get to sleep but I couldn't, the storm reminded me too much of the mission in japan. I feel eyes on someone's eyes on me, I towards my window and slightly open one eye then I see him. Jonathan.

Damian Wayne OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now