Memories never fade

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Genre: angst/sad
Ships: jayroy, koridick, druceline
Warnings: abuse, self harm, and rape
Extra info: Athanasia is Damian's half sister on Talia's side, he's half demon and gender fluid, and his past is A LOT darker in this

Damian: 17
Athanasia: 24
Mara: 18
Tim: 24
Dick: 38
Bruce: 69
Seline: 64
Jamie: 20
Garfield: 18
Raven: 19
Kori': 40
Roy: 34
Jon: 18
Colin: 19
(OC)Kastinove: ???

Yes Damian's a brat, and yes he's dangerous and people tend to want to stay away. But no one knows why he's like that and they think it's about time they found out.


Jason's POV

For once, for fucking I get Roy to myself with no one around. But of course someone has to just come and fuck shit up.
I swing my door open glaring at the fucker who decided my dick appointment was just worthless.

"What the fuck do you want replacement?" He just smiles at me with wide eyes. "Damian's in a coma" he says excitedly, too excitedly. "Ok that's cold blooded for you to say it like that. But ok I don't care, yay we get away from the brat for a while, I don't care I'm trying to get some tonight." I say just trying to get this shit over with. He just rolls his eyes and keeps going "uhh no wonder you're shirtless, but look he's unconscious and you know how Kastinove can put people in other people's memories and moments of people's lives."

I just stand there staring at him so uninterested in this conversation.
"Well she said as long as he's unconscious she can put us in his memories. Hopefully we can find out why he's the monster he is" he says excitedly. "Probably has something to do with his bitch of a mother" I say lighting a cigarette.

I was about to just tell him to get the hell out but then I hear Roy yell "Jay when the hell are you getting back, you know I have an arrow that needs something to hit, and you know I can hit your target" he really needs to stop with those cheesey ass pickup lines and not so subliminal euphemism.
"Uhh not while I'm here, God what is wrong with you two. But really though, are you coming tomorrow." He asks covering his ears.

"Maybe, maybe not, if you see me you'll see me. Now I need to go to get my spot hit." I say looking directly at him trying to make him as  uncomfortable as possible. Tim screams before running of "a really long arrow......... really really hard arrow. Damn" I turn back to go to my room to finally get shit started.

The next day

The next day came and Jason actually showed up to see Damian's memories hoping It would be amusing to see a baby Damian being a brat, even if he had already. The entire bat family and teen titans team was their hoping to taunt the boy about this entire situation. Everyone seemed to be excited about the situation for all the wrong reasons, except for Dick. He actually seemed to be somewhat upset about all of the way everyone was acting.

Kori seemed to take notice of his mood and pulled him off the side to talk to him. "Richard dear what is wrong?" she says as she floats slightly above him.
"It's just that everyone's so excited to see Damian's memories and embarrassing him when he wakes up. But what if he doesn't wake up? What if he hates us after this? I mean if he always everything from us isn't it for a reason. I mean like what if what if if if h-he " he starts breathing heavily and stuttering. She pulls him close to her chest stroking his hair.

He cries onto her, his tears leaking down her front while uncontrollably shakes. She just stayed there letting him pour his heart out to her. Once he lifted his head and stared into her eyes looking like a lost puppy. She knew he had always had a soft spot for Damian, they both did even if he didn't always accept it.
Even she tried to form a bond with the violet child but he just wouldn't let her, she knew it was a reason but she didn't know exactly what it was, no one did. Even raven tried to extend a friendship towards Damian and it worked for a while but then something happened, she didn't know what but neither of them were willing to speak on the matter.
"Hey hey shhhh it's ok it's ok don't worry. I know you love Damian and I know you are worried for him. And I know their all acting in the wrong way about all of this but you need to look on the bright side. We've both always wondered why he acts the way he does and this will help. He might not like it but it's the best for him, to help him understand him, for the better. And I promise it'll be ok, he will wake up, he will." She hugs him as tight as she can to the point where he can't breathe. She learned it from him.

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