"You are the problem!"

551 17 4

Genre: angst-ish
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Extra info: Damian is half demon but Bruce didn't let him use his powers, he's gender fluid. Damian's hair is slightly pass shoulder length

Damian: 19
Tim: 27
Jason: 33
Dick: 38
Bruce: 63

Ok so Damian ran away when he was 14 and he came back to Gotham only to talk to Bruce after finding out he has a new robin. This is going to be a short chapter and this only serves as my input on how I feel about Batman.
(Me and my brother think he is a trash ass hero)


Arthur's POV

If there was anything that got Damian pissed it was history repeating itself.

After Damian left Gotham he planned on never returning to the city ever again. The night he left he sat on the side of the road staring at his former family running throughout the city. After that he never turned back, not wanting to ever be reminded of the painful memories.

He stayed with a friend of the Al Ghul's in new York, he lived in a luxury condo, had an at home job, and a boyfriend. . .who happened to be 6 years older than him.

His life was going quite well but it all came to a stop when he was forced to look back at his past.

The only time he ever came in contact with anyone from anywhere near Gotham was when he had to talk to one of his suppliers. It all started with a phone call.

"Armon where the hell is my package, Marcelo said it was nowhere near where it was supposed to be." Damian chewed him out over the phone pacing around through his office.

"Look boss I'm sorry I-"

"I don't care for your excuses Armon I just need to know where my supplies are."

"I know boss but I got hassled by the bat and his new robin. I got it all flying out to you to you it should be there in about two days I'm sorry about the delay."

Everything got quite. Bat man and his new robin.

All of the memories of the long nights of misery and torment overseen by a hypocrite of a man who called himself a hero. He lowered the phone from his ear faintly hearing the sound of Armon's voice on the other side of the phone.

He hung up and called the next contact in his phone. It only rung 3 times before he picked up.

"Hey babe, I haven't heard from you in a while." The man on the other line said. Damian stayed silent. "Babe is everything ok?"

"I need the jet." He said plainly.

"Why do you need the jet."

"I'm going to Gotham."

"No the hell your not, you can't go back to that place. Not after all you have told."

"I need to, I'll be back tomorrow. I just need to talk to someone."

"You don't need to go back there Damian. You do-"

"Please Alexander just this once, I don't even want to do this but I have to. Please just once."

". . .ok, I'll have it started up but if you aren't back by 2 pm tomorrow I'm going down there and I'll bring you back, I don't care who the hell sees me."

"Alright, I'll be there in an hour."
And with that he hung up and went straight to his closet putting on some presentable clothes and grabbed his sword hidden under the floor. He traps a few knives to his upper thigh and under his clothes behind his back. He wasn't going there for a fight, but knowing his father he was certainly going to look for one and was taught to be ready.

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