Why pt.3

528 13 9

(last part)

Genre: angst/fluff

Ships: jayroy

A war between the supers and the bats start to bring jon to justice and damian has a hard time dealing with it all.


Bruce's POV

And with that one sentence I couldn't control myself, none of us could. I get up and kick him back against the wall. He runs up to me with a steal pole he pulled from the wall, he tries to him me over the head but I duck before it hits me. While he's bent over I kick his back but then again he is the boy of steal.

It's completely twisted and broke my foot. I fall to a kneading position and yell in pain, jon turns back around and wacks me over the head. I fall to the ground bleeding and bearly able to keep my eyes open.

The last thing I see is cyborg holding him from behind and for some reason roy harper jumping out from the vents. Then everything goes black.

I open eyes to see jon in a cage bleeding and sweating with large purple bags under his eyes with a small piece of kriptonite tied around his neck. I sit all the way up and look down to see myself in a small hospital bed with my foot in a cast and my head wrapped up. I try to get up but Alfred and green lantern try to stop me telling me to rest and stay off the foot. I take a closer look to see jon is just nearly dead. Good.

Wonder woman's POV

We've been in some random place in space for about an hour just not moving. By now clark has started to get suspicious as to why we are out here. After about 10 minutes of silence I hear a small ding come from my phone.

It's from Alfred, all it says is 'now' I look at the time to double check if it's the right moment. I nod towards the rest. Arrow shoots the red button on the other side of the room and the ship locks down. "This isn't a open field rescue mission is it" superman says putting pieces together in there head.

"No it's not" aquaman says while getting up, "then what is this about" he says getting angry as if we are wasting his time. I get up and turn to him "it's about Damian, and when you're son did to him." He looks at me confused.

"See now there have been quit a few incidents where Jon physically violated damian." I say trying to start of suttle but I just wanted to kill him.

"What" he says still looking confused. "She said your son physically violated Bruce's son, damian" arrow says irritated.

"Wa-wait wait what are you saying"Superman stutters and that's when I lost it.

"Oh my god Jon has been raping Damian for like 2 or 3 months and he's scared for his life and nearly has a panic attack when anyone tries to touch him." I almost scream.

"And why have I just now heard about this" superman asks sounding legitimately concerned. He thinks for a second before speaking again. "Wait if this is what it's all about then why bring me to space"

"Well because this can't just happen and we let him go free." He looks up at me connecting the dots.

"We have to bring him to justice. But we can't put him in a regular prison nor arkum so we need to take him away." I say getting ready for what's to come.

"What?! No I'm not letting you take him away." He say with his eyes slightly glowing. "We kinda thought you would say that" we all step a bit closer to him.

Damian Wayne OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now