Angst and Fluf

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Genre: I don't fucking know
Ships: I don't know
Warnings: neglect, eating disorder, child abandonment I guess. Not my art
Extra info: I guess Damian is half demon and gender fluid, I'm just doing this chapter for fun

Let's start with angst

Throughout the years Damian has gotten quite used to his family not being there. His recitals to his art shows and just barley being in the manor. They never invited to game nights or celebrations, even when Dick decided to have a so called "sibling day" where once a month they would all go out to a random place in Gotham for a fun day out. Damian never went. He was never invited.

When Tim moved out he was all alone in the manor most the time. Bruce was always out working or in his office even though he didn't work at WE any more. Alfred would bring his tea and talk to him about his day, he really seemed to be the only one to notice his existence. But those moments were short lived because Bruce always needed to be somewhere or have something cleaned.

Bruce never seemed to notice Damian even if he was right in front of his face. But his attention was quickly drawn when Damian accidentally broke a glass or spilled a drink, like any normal child. He lashed out in anger for no particular reason whatsoever. He only ever really noticed whenever Damian did something wrong.

It took them 2 months to realize Damian was missing, and it took 4 months for them to actually do something. Dick was an emotional reck saying how it was all his fault and he was a bad brother. He was crying saying that Damian didn't even get to grow up or graduate or anything. He was cut off by Alfred correcting him. He did graduate but none of them cared to show up though he told all of them about it.
He got out of there as soon as he turned 18, not looking back.

They asked how he knew this and it was quite simple. He was actually there. He was there for every recital, he was there for every art show, he was there for every birthday, he was there for his graduation. He told them if any of them actually cared enough to simply be there, wether they like him or not, Damian wouldn't have been crying late at night making the ground crack and causing power outages.

Alfred blames them for there neglectful actions, but he also blames himself for not slapping some sense into Bruce to take care of his son.


Bruce tried to love his son, he tried to accept that he was different. He tried to look at him the same at the rest of his children but he couldn't. Damian he got uncomfortable something could randomly burst into green flames. All of that effort came to a stop on one eventful day.

Damian and Tim were sparing when Damian knocked him down a little too hard making him bleed. He lunged at Damian cursing his out, it was already a long day for time and he didn't want to deal with his "brat brother" trying to take extra hard hits at him just because he might be in a bad mood.

Tim tackled him fisting his shirt and was about to punch him as payback but Damian blasted him to the ceiling and he fell down back to the floor cracking his skull on the ceiling and breaking his noise on impact on the floor. The family walked in and out saw Damian attack Tim.

Tim layed on the floor unconscious and blood seeped out of his head. The other went to help Tim while Bruce just stood there staring at Damian.

A few days later Tim was still unconscious in the med bay. Damian was sitting in his room not able to face his his family. Bruce came to Damian's room telling him to get ready and to meet him in the car in a 5 minutes. When he got to the car Bruce told him to sit in the back away from him.

They drove for Almost an hour till they pulled up. When Damian looked up he was pulling into the gate of Bell Rev and his father was checking in. They pulled into a large empty space with armed gaurds surrounding the area. The came through wheeling in a large metal box.

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