New life

635 13 0

Genre: Angst/fluff-ish
Ship: damianOC, jayroy, brucline

Damian: 14 - 27
OC: 456 - 466

Damian can't take it anymore. His so called family and team treat him like trash and pretty much hate him. The only mystery here is why they are so surprised he left.

(Damian is part Demon and he has a sister named Anathasia, the one from injustice but in this she isn't Bruce's daughter, just Tali's)


Damian's POV

I can't fucking do this anymore. Why should I do this anymore if they don't want me to. I need to get out of here, they don't want me here anyway. They said so, multiple times. But I do know who does want me.

2 weeks ago

It's 12:00am and I got a text from an unknown number about 5 minutes ago. It told me to head down to the abandoned beach right next to the manor, alone. I finally get there to look around and see nothing but the litter infested sand and sparkling water.

I  stay there for a good 30 seconds but then I see a figure moving from the rocks. I look slightly closer to see a slim, feminine body Walking towards me. Once she gets close enough I see who it is.

"Mother" I say harshly. "Damian" she said back in the same tone of which I learned from her. "Why are you here?" I ask wanting to get straight to the point. "I wanted to tell you something" she says simply, I nod.

"I also have an offer" she say catching my attention. "Well then what is it" I say getting slightly impatient. "Hmm, Well your grandfather has parished yesterday and I barely escaped with my life." She says slowly circling me like a hungry shark. "Ok" I say wanting her to get on with the story but I could already tell where this is about to go.

"And your absence has been noticed by the some of the higher up members." I look up at her with an unamused look as if to say get on with it lady. "What I am trying to say is that I want you to rejoin the league".

I look at her ever so slightly glaring. "No" I say straight forward. " *tt* I thought you might say that, but the league is it dire need of you and your power. Which you refuse to use for whatever idiotic reasons."

"What I choose to do and not do with my own power is none of your concern" I say getting a little angry. "Hm, well I must ask you to at least consider it."

"Fine. I will think about it" and with that she turned and disappeared into a black cloud of smoke. (No like literally she just teleported.) I walk slowly back to the house to think about what she had said.

End flashback

I wash the blood from the newly cut wounds on my wrist as I walk back into my room to contemplate what the hell to do next. I can't just stay here working this little night time crime fighting side kick job that I never wanted. I hate robin I always have, that suit is tacky too, who decided to put green with red with yellow and black and thought it looked good. But apparently that was the only way I could earn my father's love.

I look over to some of my old calligraphy supplies still on my desk. I pick up a glass pen, dip it in ink and start writing. I start writing notes to everyone, apologies for being such a horrible brother, son, teammate, friend. Once in done I told all of the papers and pour hot wax over to edges of each one and use a small branding stamp with my initials to seal it. I put all of the notes in 3 large stacks and tie them together with twine.

Damian Wayne OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now