Nothing lasts forever: Part 2

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(Thriller era~ At the 1984 American Music Awards

Authors note: Okay, so let's alleviate some things right quick. The first chapter was based in September of 1978. A week after Y/N's birthday would be almost October. Like about September 20-28. So keep it in mind that they broke up in late 1978. Mostly October 1978. 😊

Author POV

"And 'Favorite female pop artist goes to...' goes to..." The presenter says, slowly and excitedly opening the envelope that contained the winner's name.

You were nominated for 3 American Music Awards, and you were no stranger to getting awards for your music. Since you started in 1980, your career really took off. You were with your father when he introduced you to his dear friend Quincy Jones, and he was the one who discovered your talent. He helped you release your first album in 1981, which entered the charts at #1 to your surprise. Your first songs were about Michael, despite it being many years since he broke up with you. You couldn't exactly escape him. Which made the break-up awful on your mental health. Especially when you'd see him at award shows and on TV with Diana.

You still manage to put on a smile for your many, many fans. And remain a great mother. Yes, after you and Michael broke up you found out you were only about a month or 2 pregnant. You were happy because you were going to have a baby, but it pained you that not only would it be so early in life, also the baby probably wouldn't know their father. You and Michael's son were actually turning 5 this year.

"Y/N L/N!" The woman exclaims into the microphone, and the room erupts in cheers, screams, and whistles. You slowly get up out of your seat and walk up to the stage, lifting your black puffy gown as you did so.

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You wave up to your fans once you reach the point where you can be seen by just about everyone. One face in the crowd caught your attention, but you tried to tell yourself you were just imagining things.

You reach the podium and take the award out of the woman's hand, she envelopes you in a tight hug and congratulates you.

Once she releases you, you turn to the crowd and take a shaky breath. "Wow, I didn't prepare a speech or anything," You giggle. "But I just wanna thank all my producers, all the fans around the world, and everyone who supports me. These past 2 albums have been...really the story of my life. Trying to overcome..." You spot the same face, the same big beautiful doe eyes staring up at you. A small smile etched across his beautiful, sculpted features. Your heart damn near stops beating. Michael. And he's with the woman who ruined your entire relationship and helped contribute to all the pain over these years. Anger takes over and all you see is red.

"Overcome that pain, And I feel that one day, Maybe I will overcome this pain thanks to all my beautiful, beautiful fans." You sweetly say before the crowd begins cheering once more. "Thank you, and I love you." You add before turning and sauntering off the stage. Once you're backstage your heart starts to crumble.

(A//N: You have quite a bit of connection in the industry since your father is a director, as mentioned in the first chapter...just remember that)

You notice someone who you really adore and have even met before standing from afar.

(You choose) Before you get the chance to even go speak to them, you get interrupted by, him.


"You look really beautiful."

I spin around, about to thank the person until I realize, it's Michael."Thanks." I respond before turning back to (celebrity), about to approach them before Michael grabs my hand.

"Can we talk...please?"


The award show seems to zoom past you since you're overthinking the entire time. You win 2 more awards and your speeches are pretty shallow. Thanking producers, fans and occasionally giggling to yourself about your facile speeches. You agreed to speak with Michael, and just listen to him. Can't be angry forever, right?



I wait outside for Michael to finish talking to whoever he's talking to. And nothing but nerves fill my entire body. I wrap my bridal wrap around me tighter as the wind blows. I hear footsteps in my direction and I spin around to meet Michael's beautiful, sparkling eyes. He carefully walks over to me, and I honestly am at a loss for words. Never did I think I would be talking to him. Let alone in his presence again.

"You look nice..." He shuffles, lacing his hands behind his back.

"You said that." I coldly state.

"Listen, Y/N. I'm trying to be nice. And you don't have to be an ass to me, okay?" Michael says, causing me to whip my head in his direction. "You're telling me, I have no right to be an ass, just because you're 'trying to be nice' now? What the hell are you smoking?! Do you forget what you did to me, Michael? You messed me up. I can't just drop all that. Sorry, King." I narrow my eyes at him. I can't believe him. The audacity.

"You think I don't know that? That's why I wanted to even speak with you. Things weren't easy for me either, Y/n. I still loved you." He takes a step closer to me, and I take one back.

"No, you didn't. You never loved me! If you did you wouldn't have cheated then just left me. I even asked you and you just sat there like a dumbass. Diana, Diana, Diana. That's the only bitch you cared about. I loved you and only you... Now you wanna talk? Hell no." I sneer, crossing my arms.

"I understand you're angry at me, but you have to understand the situation. I was seduced. I wasn't thinking right. And I'm so, so sorry for that. I really mean that." I sit there and stare into his eyes and I can tell he really means it. "It's not that simple, Michael." I shake my head and tear my eyes away from his.

"We can at least try and be friends and go from there. Please?" Michael asks, grabbing my hands. I love him too much to say no...

"But, Michael. You have a son." I blurt.

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