Assisting the Assistant? (mature)

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Bad Era - AU

(Michael is not famous)


"Knock knock.." My assistant, Lisa says in a forced seductive tone from my open office door.

A smirk forms on my face and I swivel around to face her.

Her face isn't all that, neither is her body but shes easy.

Wait no, what am I doing?

My heart aches when I think of Y/N.

"I just came to see if you needed anything?" Lisa begins to saunter over to me, like a predator stalking its prey.


I clutch the bag of food I had in my left hand as I happily bounce my way to Michael's office.

Things in our marriage hadn't been the best lately. He was being distant, and he blamed it on work and how things at the office had him occupied.

I decided to bring him his favorite for lunch, Mexican cuisine from the bistro around the corner, and eat with him since we haven't in a while. Only god knows, I would do anything to make this marriage work. 


"N-no. I'm fine, thank you anyways." I stutter, as she leans over my desk and grabs my tie. Working fast at loosening it, then unbuttoning the first few buttons of her own shirt. 

"We can't. I won't, Lisa. I have a wife." 

"What she doesn't know won't hurt.." She mutters, placing sloppy kisses on my jawline.

Doesn't this woman know what 'No' means?


I turn the corner to Michael's office when I see his assistant, Lisa Marie coming from his office very disheveled. Her hair a mess and the first few buttons of her blouse unbuttoned. She turns her head in my direction and a dirty smirk lies upon her features, making her even uglier. 

She wipes the corner of her mouth and brushes past me. Her shoulder bumping my own in the process. 

My heart slowly breaks in my chest as I imagine the worst.

I take a deep breath and make my way into Michael's Office, my fingernails digging into my palms, creating an awful crinkling noise, but I can't even fathom to worry about that right now. My main focus is what happened in that office.

I barge into Michael's to find him putting back on his tie and his hair a mess.

We make eye contact and he looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Its not what it-"

"It looks a lot like you just had a good time with that slut bitch!" I drop the bag of food as i feel my heart sinking into my chest, that all too familiar pain in my chest rising by the minute.

Sure, Michael had made his mistakes in the past but he said he was going to change. That he'd stop.

He sits there staring at me with an expression i can't quite read, but i don't waste my time any further. 


I struggle to find words. Although I did deny Lisa's advances, I had hurt Y/N so many times before I just knew she wouldn't believe a thing I said. All the lies I've told finally were going to catch up to me. I shrug and sigh in defeat. This marriage was beyond fixing. 

I had done too much. Lied too much. 

Even if I do get my shit together i've still damaged her enough. She needs to just move on, as much as it hurt because only the lord knows i wanna be with her more than anything. 

I watch as a tear rolls down her eye and her chin quivers. I bite my lip hard and squeeze my eyes shut, I can't bear to see her this way. 

Her head hangs as she turns and walks away. 


Hey guys! It's been so long so please excuse this i know its horrible. Im a bit rusty since i havent published or written anything in like a whole year. Things have been HECTIC. but im gonna get back into writing or at least try to yk. 

Send me some requests please !

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