the school bus: chapter two

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-Jackson's era

YN gave Mr.Jones a quick hug before sluggishly walking to her bus. The day was finally over and she was drained. She wasn't in a rush because a lot of the kids weren't spilling out of their classes, meaning she'd most likely get a seat to herself. Once she reached the bus she plopped down in a seat with her head leaning on the window. She placed her book bag on the spot beside her to send the message that she wanted the seat to herself.

As more and more kids pile on the bus, YN is delighted to see that everyone seems to get the message and no one even asks to sit with her. That is until Michael and Marlon get on the bus. "Move over, please." A soft voice says, causing YN's eyes to snap open. Her eyebrows furrow and her throat runs dry. "You gonna let me sit?" He smartly says, and she almost right away grabs her bag to let him sit.


I cannot believe I just did that. It was sweet of him to say please, but my entire body is still stiff as a board and I'm very very uncomfortable. To make matters worse, his brother is in the seat directly in front of us, and he's turned around to face Michael. They're engaged in a conversation about whatever. I hate that he had to sit with me in the afternoon since the route is a lot longer than the morning route since there are more kids, and the route is done the opposite of the morning one. I hug my book bag and stare a hole out the window, not daring to say a word.

"You don't talk much do ya?" Marlon asks, getting in front of my face. "You sure is real quiet." He smiles. And it's probably the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life. I look at him for a second before looking right back out the window. "You probably annoyin' her Marlon," Michael says, trying to see my face. "No, he's fine. I'm just a shy person that's all." I nod my head slightly. "I'm Michael." He smiles, and it's gorgeous too. Maybe even better than his brother's.

"I'm Y/N."

We spent the remaining bus ride talking, and I realized- Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

I Know this sucked, I had no idea how to end it~

More updates coming soon!

Michael Jackson Imagines {Volume 1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang