The perfect gift

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(Mature era-AU~ You're pregnant with Bigi, and Prince and Paris are with the Nanny.)

Author POV

Michael had left home for the meetings with his manager at 7 am. He would be in the meetings just about all day, and you took this as the perfect opportunity to go shopping for Michael's birthday gift. Since his birthday was coming up soon. And Chris' as well.

You got dressed, made yourself breakfast, and called you and Michael's best friend. Chris Tucker. Since you both knew Michael so well you thought you both could Come Together to help get the man who has everything, the best gift possible.

You told Chris to meet you at the plaza in Beverly Hills and you guys would begin your search for the perfect gift. You ate the remainder of your breakfast and hurried out of Neverland.

You and Chris had an amazing time. You guys caught up whilst shopping for Michael. You and Chris became quick friends because of his easy-going personality.

"How's the baby doin'," Chris asks as you guys look at different watches for Michael.

"They're doing good. I know Michael is gonna be really excited when I tell him, though. I'm just really scared though...I mean this is my first child and I really don't know what to expect." You say scanning the glass countertop some more. Your eyes land on a bust-down watch with a royal blue face. "Imma go look for something for Azja," Chris says, and you nod. Perfect. You quickly pick an Audemars Piguet for Chris and checkout.

"Just these 2, please." You tell the store clerk and she goes to the back and returns with the 2 items bagged. "That'll be $413,480.00," The clerk gingerly says. You hand her your card and smile warmly. That's enough to buy us another house. You think to yourself before the clerk hands you the bags and wishes you a good day. Just then Chris comes over and checks out before turning to you. "Look at us being productive," Chris says while grabbing his credit card out of his wallet and handing it over to the clerk. You wait patiently and adjust the sunglasses on your face.

Finally, Chris turns to you, and the 2 of you exit the World of Luxury store. Next you guys head to a designer store. (You choose) You guys goof off for a while trying on different sunglasses. Being such a public figure like you are, sunglasses come in handy when going out in public.

Chris grabs big black ones and slides them on your face, and your hands instinctively grab his wrists to guide them unto your face. You giggle and check yourself out in the mirror. "Ohh. Yeah, I'm getting these...expensive ass glasses." You say eyeing the price tag.


After a long day of shopping, you are ready to head home, and you and Chris part ways. "Alright, girl. I'll see you and Michael soon." Chris says, giving you a short hug and peck on the cheek. "See you later, Chris. Be safe" You sweetly say before getting in your car and driving home. Little did you know, the paparazzi were watching you guys all day, and they were planning to sabotage your relationship.

You arrive at Neverland, after the hour and 35-minute drive and decide to keep the bags in your glove box and take in your bags. So Michael won't see his very, very expensive present. You shut the door to your car and take out your keys. You start to put your key in the door but you notice it's already unlocked. What the hell is Michael doing home already? You think to yourself. You walk into Neverland and instantly realize the workers are all gone. You don't hear the sounds of Paris and Prince running around and confusion begins to settle in.

You notice a note on the wall and read it as you rid yourself of your shoes. Prince and Paris were with Katherine for the weekend."Did you have fun?" Michael's voice says from behind you, scaring you shitless.


"Oh, Michael! You scared me...How was the meeting, baby?" I ask sweetly before approaching him and giving him a kiss on his lips. He remains motionless with his hands behind his back. I frown slightly but decide to ignore it. "Uh...yeah. I had fun. Got to catch up with Chris which is always great." I say, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and taking a swig of it.

I can't help but notice Michael's cold hard stare. "What?" I ask, placing down my water bottle. When I don't get an answer I shrug and place my bottle back in the fridge. I turn back around and a magazine is thrown at me. the front page having pictures of me and Chris. The biggest one where he kissed me on the cheek, where he hugged me, and where he was putting the glasses on my face.


"No! Y/N, Because this," He dramatically taps the magazine " Is photographic evidence! You're fuckin' my best friend?!" He shouts, banging his large hands on the island, his wedding and engagement ring makes a clinking noise.

"No! I'm not- you really believe this?!" I shout back, throwing my right arm up into the air. "You're supposed to know better than this! You're Michael Jackson for fucks sake!" I shout rolling my eyes at him.

"Don't you dare try that Michael Jackson bullshit on me! I caught you! In HD pictures getting smothered in kisses by my best friend and out on a shopping date while I'm working. You have no right to be angry at me, Y/N." Michael sneers, his breathing ragged.

"Oh my god, it's not at all what it seems. I swear to you, Michael." I place my hands together like I'm praying. "Mhm...That's what you all say. Is- Is that why you aren't pregnant yet?" Michael questions and I can tell now he's just overthinking. "What?" I giggle slightly at the irony.

"You heard me." Michael squints his eyes at me. "What is it? Am I ugly? Why- Why can't you just love me?" Michael says in a hushed whisper. My heart shatters into pieces at his statement. "Michael, no. No, baby. I swear on my life. Chris and I aren't having an affair. We went shopping for your birthday present. And the kiss was a quick peck...The picture was just taken out of context. I would never. And Once I have this baby, I'll give you as many babies as you want." I say, pulling him closer to me and placing my cheek on his chest.

It's quiet for a bit before Michael speaks. "I'm really, really sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Or accused you of anything." "It's okay, We forgive you. Next time just talk to us before just yelling." I subtly hint. Michael takes my head out of his chest. "What?" He says, scanning my face. "You heard me, sir," I say, releasing him and walking up to our bedroom. "yeah, but why do you keep saying 'we' and 'us'. It's just me and you in here..." He says, looking down as if in thought.

"No..." I trail off before placing a hand on my stomach and grinning widely. Waiting for him to connect the dots.

"I'm gonna be a daddy..?" He questions walking closer to me. "Yes, daddy."


※ Mychelle

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