All in His name (1)

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This will be a series, and potentially a new book, depending on how much you guys like it. 


I still remember the first time I laid eyes on him.

July 1988

I was young, though in my own mind I was a grown woman.

My father had woken me up on a Saturday morning bright and early. Earlier than I fancied waking on my cherished weekends.

Groggy and half asleep I questioned my father with attitude lacing my voice.

"Daddy, it's 7:23." I sighed in annoyance as he pulled the curtains to my bedroom window open revealing a rising sun and the big pool in our backyard. The blue water splashing with the breeze of the wind.

He continued pushing my long curtain open until he reached the far end of my bedroom. I sat on my bed watching him as he trudged over to me in record time.

"We're going to the Jackson's barbecue." He said vaguely with a smile and kiss on my forehead.

My heart began to race. I loved the Jacksons. I had always known about my father's friendship with the family but I had never met them due to busy schedules.

I was 16, but it felt like i was 36. The amount of responsibility on me was endless. I was just beginning to get into acting and I had just wrapped up filming about 2 days ago.

Even though I had been acting in small gigs like commercials and cameos, being in big movies with seasoned actors and actresses was nerve-wracking. Especially since I had a star role in the movie rather than just a forgettable cameo this time.

I shook myself out my thoughts and went to my kitchen to begin to get ready for the day ahead of me.

I grabbed a flower patterned tank top that stopped short of my waist and some washed jeans. I went and took a quick shower and washed my hair.

After my shower I moisturize and i blow-dry my hair and brush my curls until they're poofy, grabbing a ponytail holder and placing my hair in a low ponytail, brushing it slick. I go to my closet and grab my white jelly sandals and head down the catwalk and down the flight of stairs.

I could hear our maids washing dishes and the sound of the television on.

My father and older brother sat watching the TV and talking amongst themselves. I grab a bowl and make myself some cereal.

My brother runs a hand through his jet black curls, laughing and turning my way.

"Buenos Dias, Morena" He smiles coming my way, his Hispanic accent far more noticeable than my own.

I roll my eyes at the childish nickname.

"Jamien, don't start your shit now." My father says sternly, taking a sip of his orange juice.

Jamien sighs a sigh of disappointment. "How do I look? Janet won't be able to keep her eyes off me, eh?" He spews doing various poses and looks.

"Jamien, be so for real. You have about the same chances I do with Michael." I say, my mouth full of Lucky Charms.

"Oh no you don't. That Michael is 29. Don't be no high fast tail lil girl now, Marina. I won't be havin' it. That would be more of an embarrassment than how my family made me feel for having 'halfbreed' kids." My dad says with base in his voice, placing his cup in the across from me.

Jamien and I both exchange looks, turning towards our father.

"Damn, I didn't know we were 'halfbreeds', Pops." Jamien says with irritation.

"I was quoting what my family says, not how I feel. Do you really think I would've laid down with your mother if I had a bias against Mexicans? Listen."

He pauses momentarily and I slide him my bowl, listening intently.

"I love you guys. I was just saying. It would be an embarrassment. See I don't even see how this turned into that. Come on lets get going." He grabs his keys off the holder and heads out the door. I hop down and follow the 2 men outside.

Next stop; Encino.

Okay so, this is going to be the final imagine in this book. Since we reached 60 parts. 

Now, i can either continue the imagine series, and include this as one of the series OR i can turn this into a book. 

Let me know which you guys would like :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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