All or nothing (2) (mature)

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I planned on getting this published this afternoon, but I got my covid vaccine this morning and I fell sleep for 3 whole ass hours and I woke up and my arm was so sore I could barely pick it up.

But its like 12:13 rn while Im writing this and I have a sore throat 😃 like I can't get a break.

Okay anyways. Here's the part 2 I promised :)


I wrap my coat closer to my body and smile to myself. I was ready.

After Michael left he continued to try and persuade me to "come home" as he likes to say, before a week was even over. Truthfully, I stayed up that entire night and next day thinking about everything. And god knows I love that man. Life is too short to not go for it. I know Michael loves me.

Im just gonna have to put my heart on the line.

I slip on my shoes and grab my car keys. Heading into Neverland.  I glance back at my car, and around myself. I probably look naked. I am, but still. I hope the workers don't know that.

Author POV- cause I said so

You grabbed your spare key, unlocking the door. Your mind silently praying that he wasn't standing anywhere near the door, or else the surprise would be ruined.

You gently opened the door, slipping through a small crack in it then gently closing it.

One of the maids, that you knew as Tanisha stood with her hands neatly in front of the door. She smiles brightly as she sees you, making you put on a fake smile.

"Is Michael in his bedroom?" you whisper stepping towards the stairs. She eagerly nods her head and hums in agreement.

Not caring to continue a conversation, you make your way to Michael's room. You were ready to see your man.

After what feels like hours of walking you finally make it to his bedroom door. You gently jiggle the golden door knob, making sure it was unlocked, which it is. You slowly twist it, trying to eliminate as much noise as possible.

Once the door is open wide enough for you to squeeze through, you enter the room. Closing cue door behind you making sure to lock it. You slip off your heels, and make your way upstairs to Michael's bed, assuming that's where he is. Peeking your head up over the last stair, you can see him reading a book. Completely engulfed in it.

Smiling the brightest you have in days, you clear your throat, signaling your presence. You slowly walk up the last stair towards Michael.

He smiles that trillion dollar smile and places his book on his nightstand. He quickly stands up, and stumbles over to you, almost tripping in the process.

Michael Jackson Imagines {Volume 1}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora