Twenty Four

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I carried my bag and walked out of the classroom. With the hope of Alex not rejecting me. My other lecture went the same me not paying attention to them and in my own dream land. As I was walking to the cheerleaders room I did not know when I crossed it I ran back to the room when I entered everyone was presented there.

Me : good morning girls.
Everyone : morning.
Me : so let us begin.

We started practicing I tried to pay more attention on the practice but I still had the thought of Alex. After an hour we were done.

Me : everyone you have done a good job so since we have finished with our practice and memorized the steps you all can take a holiday tomorrow from the practice. *Smile*
Everyone : yes *screaming in happiness*
Me : *laughing* but the next day I will take everyone's practice one by one to see how you have been doing.
Everyone : ok.
Me : ok then bye.
Everyone : bye.

I took my bag and walked out of the room I checked my phone and Alex 2 miss calls was there just a minute back he had called me. I went to call him back but instead he called me, I picked up the phone.

[On the phone]

Me : hello.
Alex : Belle you have not picked up my calls.
Me : sorry I was busy practicing.
Alex : ok where are you?
Me : the practice just got over so I am headed home.
Alex : come to the parking area.
Me : you are still eating for me?
Alex : of course.
Me : ok.

[Conversations ended]

I walked to the parking area and saw Alex over there I went to him.

Me : hey sorry for keeping you waiting.
Alex : nah it is fine I am ready to wait if it is you.
Me : huh?
Alex : Belle about the topic we were going to speak in the morning.

Oh god it is here, no Belle handle the situation nicely remember what you have spoked to Josh.

Me : Alex I got to talk to you about something.
Alex : ok you first.
Me : Alex I...... That day.....  I.....
Alex : yes go on.
Me : I..... *Stomach making noise*

Oh god I am so embarrassed my stomach just made noise that too in front of my crush what is he going to think of me?

Alex : Belle Waite did you not eat anything?
Me : no...
Alex : why?
Me : during the break time I was talking to Josh and I missed my lunch.

I could see that Alex did not like when I mentioned Josh's name. Is it true what Josh said that Alex get jealous?

Alex : did you eat after school?
Me : no..
Alex : till not you have not eaten anything?
Me : *nodding my head*
Alex : get on the bike.
Me : huh?
Alex : come on.
Me : where are we going?
Alex : you will see.
Me : ok.

Alex drove to the nearest food place which was McDonald. He parked the bike and we went in the restaurant. Alex told me to sit while he will bring something to eat I told him I will also stand with him but he did not allowed me. Also when I removed money to pay him he did not take it though I forced him still he did not take it. I went and sat at a table and waited for Alex. It is good that Alex did not make fun of me when my stomach made noise otherwise other people would have made fun of me. I was also thinking that should I ask Alex here about that girl or waite till he reaches me home? While I was thinking Alex came with two trays full of food. Oh boy does he think I eat so much or is he a big eater?

Alex : here you go.
Me : all of this?
Alex : it is for you.
Me : I can not finished all of this.
Alex : how much you can finish eat the rest we will take it parcel.
Me : ok, Alex I wanted to talk.
Alex : I know what you are going to ask but first I want you to eat ok?
Me : ok, but you also are eating right? I can not eat alone.
Alex : ok.

We both ate the food we barely finished 1 tray and took the second one as parcel. We both walked back to the bike.

Me : Alex thank you.
Alex : you do not need to say thanks, and from now on do not forget to eat ok.
Me : yes.
Alex : come on.
Me : *nods*

I got on the bike and he drove me to my house. I was still thinking how am I going to talk to Alex? Should I first tell him how I feel or should I ask him about that girl?

Alex : here we are.
Me : thank you Alex.
Alex : welcome.
Me : Alex come in.
Alex : Belle we can talk afterwards also you seem tired.
Me : Alex I am fine. Or is it..... that you..... do not..... want to..... talk?
Alex : no I want to but I am concerned for you.
Me : I am fine I want to talk now otherwise I do not think I can sleep tonight.
Alex : ok but where should I park my bike?

I told Alex to park his bike in the garage and after he parked it we both entered my house. Mom saw us and came to us smiling.

Mom : oh you are back, Alex you are here too good come sit to eat but first wash your hands both of you.
Alex : um.... Mrs.Morris....
Me : mom I did not eat I musically skipped my lunch break time so Alex took me out to eat we just ate.
Mom : ah it is fine but why did you miss you break time?
Me : mom I and Josh was talk about something.
Mom : ok.
Me : mom Alex and I are going upstairs we have some work to do.
Mom : ok.


(To be continued.......)

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