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           Like a normal teenager going to college, studying, getting good grades, being the favourite of the teachers, good in studying, being present all the days well in my's different I'm not that type of a bad girl nor a good one. In my family it's my mom, dad, my big sister and me I do have uncles and aunts and a lot of cousins but that is not great the fact is that my cousin's that doesn't like to talk much they are like in their own things, altogether there are 8 kids in the family and me being the second last youngest in the family. 5 boys and 3 girls that don't interact with each other. Normally people would say that sisters love from small age is the best but me and my sis used to fight, never get along well and when we grew big we found what we like the most and didn't fight with eachother till now we haven't fought with eachother. As for me and Mia we both actually didn't knew eachother but in school when some rumours were spread about her everyone went against her I still didn't knew who Mia was after some years my  best friend she spread rumours about me and left me for rich kids to be their friend I did fell bad but I don't know why I still wanted to talk to her but no one spoke to me properly that is when Mia stood by my side and we did get close and it so happen that we turned out to be best friends. I  was like 7 years old  that time when I met Mia and I love her company she is a nice and true everyone didn't like me and Mia but still we stick together and then I met Emma Mia's cousin sister we used to hang out a lot and with us my sister. Nora used to hang out with us  nothing came in between we four girls as for when Mia and me goes out my friend who had left me for rich kids used to message me saying that I shouldn't be Mia where has, I listened to what I wanted to do and still I was friends with Mia when we go to the mall we four girls buy our food and sit to eat and when Nora, Mia and Emma used to see some handsome boys my god they used to leave their food and talk about those boys and me being me I loved my food more once it so happened that after the movie we girls had gone to the food court and there was this gang of boys sitting a little bit far away from us one of then was looking at me and the girls was telling me to look at him and giving me the smirk and making it so obvious that I felt awkward and wanted to leave from there but what ever they do, they always have my back if I'm in any problem. Mostly Nora and Emma discuss their problems with eachother and Mia and me. We girls do fight with eachother but we come again to eachother we are like magnet that can't be separated. Mia is like my sister we are mad we do talk about anything and laugh to anything if even it's not funny I make any joke about it and we laugh, we girls are the same we love to drink go to malls and eat but in some things I'm different from the girls and that is makeup, boys, relationship and shopping. I literally can't put makeup properly I never have been in any relationship and I can't shop like the girls, when I go for shopping I'll only pic one top, jacket and pant it's hard for me to shop as I grew big I did have this question in my mind if I'm a girl and YES I am it's only that I'm different, different from everyone and I'm happy how ever I am thought I'm different from the girls but they do accept me as I am and I don't want to be away from them.

And this is how my journey starts.......

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