Chapter One

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Hi there I'm Izabelle Morris you can call me Belle or Bella that is what everyone calls me, Me and my sister Nora Morris was born in Seattle, and here I am reading comics and passing my time. *phone ringing* and that's Mia Romes my best friend.

*Picking up the phone*

Me: hello?
Mia: hey get ready.
Me: get ready?Why?
Mia: bro highschool is starting  
Me: ahhhhhh it's boring.
Mia: *laugh*
Me: but where are we going?
Mia: going to buy the things.
Me: ok, Only we both?
Mia: no Emma is also coming.
Ma: Emma she is coming to buy things
        that is for highschool.
Mia: yes.
Me: Mia you and I both know that she
        will do anything but will try to
        stay away from books.
Mia: ummmm yeah.
Me: so tell me the truth.
Mia: ok so we don't have any stuff for
          highschool so I decided that we
          will go and buy it together.
Me: so your plan is that we both will
        go and pull out Emma from her
        bed and take her for shopping
        which is to buy stuff related to
Mia: yes so are you in or your not?
Me: yeah I'm in.
Mia : yes I knew that.
Me: ok what time are we going?
Mia: now.
Me: what?
Mia: I'm out of your house so come
Me: ahhhhhhh fine.

I put on a black jacket because why not black jacket goes with anything and grabbed my purse dumped it in a bag and went out.

Me: mom I'm going with Mia and
        Emma to buy some stuff for
Mom: ok.

*Opening the door & closing it*

Mia: hey gorgeous.
Me: stop that.
Mia: stop what?
Me: call that to you boyfriend which
        I'm not.
Mia: ooooo someone isn't exited to go
         for shopping?
Me: I am but I'm sleepy at the
Mia: you didn't get sleep?
Me: no.
Mia: let me guess you might be
         reading some comic.
Me: you know me so well. But how
        are we going to Emma's place?
Mia: about that I thought we would
Me: and walking we would grab some
Mia: about that I didn't think but that
         could work.
Me: I really need a cooffe.
Mia: let's go get it.

*While walking*

Me: so did you plan anything?
Mia: for what?
Me: what are we going to buy?
Mia: same old stuff.
Me: ok.
Mia: here we are.
Me: Emma's house.

*Door bell ringing*

Me: hello Mrs. Cooper
Mrs. Cooper: hello belle, hello Mia
Mia: hello.
Me: we are here to take Emma to take
         her to buy some stuff for
Mrs. Cooper: that good but she is still
                          in bed.
Mia: we know how to get her out.
Mrs. Cooper: good luck then.

*Opening the room door*

Me: sleepy head wake up.
Mia: why isn't she moving?
Me: she is awake but doesn't want to
        get up.
Mia: like always.
Me: I know how to wake her up.

I kepted my bag on the floor and jumped on the bed and trying to wake Emma up.

Emma: yah what are you doing?
Me: get up.
Emma: stop jumping you might hurt
Me: get up.

I started hitting her with the pillow and Mia was laughing at us.

Emma: ok ok ok I'm up.
Me: ok
Emma: you would have hurt me.
Me: but I didn't. In fact I was having
       fun doing that.
Emma: you childish behaviour isn't
Me: no, now get up.
Emma: ok but what's going on? What
              are you both here?
Mia: get dressed we are going for
Emma: yes let's go I'm so excited, you
              both should have told me that
Me: wait.
Emma: what happened?
Me: first tell her for what are we going
        for shopping.
Mia: ummm actually it isn't what you
          are thinking we are going for.
Emma: ok so is it jewellery shopping
              or shoes shopping?
Mia: not exactly that.
Emma: then? What is it?
Me: back to highschool shopping.
Emma: Back to highschool shopping...
Mia: yeah excited right?
Emma: you know what is more
Mia: what? What is it?
Emma: you both carry on the plan
              and me sleeping is my bed.
Mia: hey come on.
Emma: no I don't want to.
Mia: Bell help.
Me: yah Emma get up I'm also going.
Emma: but it's boring.
Me: we will get coffee while going
Emma: fine but who came up with
               this plan?
Mia: me why?
Emma: *raising one eyebrow*  you?
Mia: yeah.
Emma: your mom forced you too.
Mia: ok fine yeah she did now get up.
Me: * laughing* Mia let's go
        downstairs and wait for Emma
        and Emma get ready soon and
        don't forget to carry cash.
Emma: yeah I'll not.

Me and Mia walks downstairs.

Mrs. Cooper: is Emma up?
Me: yes she is.
Mrs. Cooper: here have done cookies.
Mia&Me: thank you Mrs. Cooper.

We had the cookies that Mrs. Cooper have us and waited for Emma, when she came down we went to go shop for some stuff for highschool. After shopping Emma and Mia wanted to go buy some clothe so I went with them it did take a lot of time in the shops them we went to Starbucks I took a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino, Emma took Starbucks cold brew and Mia took caramel macchiato.

Emma: so we are all done with
Mia: yeah
Me: how are we going to highschool
Mia: sorry girls tomorrow Liam will
          be reaching me.
Emma: the couple's love started again.
Me: *laugh*
Emma: Bella tomorrow Lucas is
               picking me up so I'll tell him
               to pick you up too.
Me: ok thanks.
Mia: so all is final.
Emma: yes.
Me: then we will meet at our lockers.
Mia: ok.
Emma: Bella give me a sip of your
Mia: I also want.
Me: here.

After having our coffees we left to go back home when I reached home I saw Nora. Nora is my big sister she is beautiful and nice.


(To be continued.....)

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