Chapter Ten

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I got the cab and told the driver the address I was looking out of the window I love to watch the sky after some minutes I reached Alex house.  I payed and thank the cab driver I saw the time it was 10:03 looks like I'm 3 minutes late. I look around of me and I saw so many  beautiful houses but one house did catch my eyes and God that house had a big door. I love this house. Wait am I at the right place? I called Alex to make sure where am I.

*On the call*

Me : hey it's my Belle.
Alex : yeah did you have any problem finding the address?
Me : I reached but I'm not sure which is your house.
Alex : wait I'll come out of my house.
Me : ok.

*End of the call*

I waited at the same place I was standing while looking around I then heard my name been called I look to the owner of the voice and it was Alex he was standing out of that same house that I loved the big door one. He was wearing a black top and black adidas pants. He doesn't look that bad with black clothes.

Alex : Belle.
Me : hey.
Alex : come in.
Me : thansk.

I got into his house and I was shock his house is so clean and beautiful I walked in while following him Alex stoped and I stop walking too. I looked forward and saw a women she looks like Alex mom, but she has a beautiful smile where as this boy over here can't even smile. Then her eyes fell on me and she was smiling at me I took a few steps and introduce my self to her.

Me : hello I'm Izabella Morris you can call me Belle it's nice to meet you. *Smiling*
??? : Hello sweetheart I am Alexander mom it's nice to meet you too. *Smiling*

So I was right this is Mrs.stewart Alex's mom I am so good at guessing.

Mrs.stewart : some do call you Bella right?
Me : yes.
Mrs.stewart : Alex told me.

I looked at Alex and be was in shock what his mom said and his mom had a smiling face I didn't know what to do. I don't think Alex knew people call me Bella.

Alex : mom we are in my room doing the assignment.
Mrs.stewart : ok let me know of you both need anything.
Alex : yes mom.
Mrs.stewart : and Belle don't feel shy to ask about anything.
Me : yes Mrs.stewart.

Alex started walking upstairs and I followed him like a lost puppy. He opened a white door and entered in I too entered in. And I thought his room would be in a mess but no it's clean. Mostly boys keep their room so dirty. I guess he like to keep it clean that is a good habit.

Alex : this is my room make your self comfortable I'll bring my books.
Me : ok.

I sat on his bed and he bed us comfortable it's not that bad. I started removing my books and pens Alex came with his books on his had and directly started doing the assignment we didn't talk much unless it's about the assignment. I must say he is good in maths. After two hours we finished with our assignment. I started packing my things in my bag Alex too kept his things in his place. I carried my bag on my shoulders.

Alex : I'll reach you to the door.
Me : ok thanks.

I followed Alex and we headed downstairs. I was about to walk out from the door but Alex mom mrs.steward stoped me.

Mrs.steward : Belle where are you going?
Me : I'm going home.
Mrs.steward : don't go so early I have made lunch for you, eat and go.
Me : ummmm but....
Mrs.steward : no buts now come in you both and have lunch.

With that mrs.steward walked away. I don't think I can convince Mrs.steward. I looked at Alex and his face was like "this isn't new to him".

Alex : let's go.

I followed Alex to the table I sat on the left of mrs.steward and Alex sat on the right side of Mrs steward. And Alex's mom served me food. I felt like I was pampered a lot like I was a small kid. Alex was only staring at his mom.

Alex : mom you have never served me and never showed me so much of love.
Mer.steward : because you never smile so much and Belle is so nice.
Me : *smiling*

I loved the food that mrs.steward made it was so tasty.

Me : thank you for the food it was so tasty. *Smiling*
Mrs.steward : good that you liked the food. *Smiling*
Me : I'll get going now.
Mrs.steward : how will you go home?
Me : I'll catch a cab.
Mrs.steward : no. Alex get your ass up and reach Belle home.
Alex : ok mom.
Me : no it's actually fine I'll go by my self.
Mrs.steward : sweetheart you got to listen to me you can't say no to me and Alex will reach you home safely. Alex. *Glaring at Alex*
Alex : Bella come on.
Me : ok than you Mrs.steward.

I walked outside to where Alex was starting his bike. I don't know why but literally he is wearing black clothes and it goes with his motorcycle.

Alex : so are you going to hop on or you want to go by a cab?
Me : I'm coming.

Alex sat on his bike and I didn't know how should I sit I have never sat on a motorcycle before.

Alex : what's wrong?
Me : how should I sit on this?
Alex : *raising an eyebrow*
Me : what?
Alex : you have never sat on a motorcycle before?
Me : no.
Alex : *smriks*
Me : what?
Alex : have you sat on a cycle before?
Me : yeah....
Alex : it's the same way now get on.
Me : ok.


(To be continued......)

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