Chapter Twenty

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I did not know when but I fell asleep. I woke up with my eyes red  I went to the mirror and saw dry tears on my face I took a shower and got ready for school. I carried my bag and went downstairs saw mom and Nora.

Me : good morning
Mom : good morning
Nora : why is your eyes red?
Me : what?
Nora : were you crying?
Me : no I rubbed my eyes so it might be red.
Nora : ok
Mom : how many times I have told you not to rub your eyes wash it with cold water.
Me : yes mom but I was in my bed and I was lazy to get up.
Mom : but due to your lazzyness the damage is done.
Me : sorry mom next time I'll remember.
Mom : ok now come and eat.
Me : yes mom, mom?
Mom : yes?
Me : where is dad?
Mom : he had some important meeting early in the morning so he left early.
Me : ok.

I sat next to Nora and started eating my breakfast.

Nora : you did not rub your eyes because I know you were crying
Me : what......what?

I chocked on my food after hearing what Nora said.

Nora : I have lived with you for so long and I know when you lie.
Me : lie? I did not lie.
Nora : say how much you want but I know you.

I feel Nora literally know when I am sad or happy but I am not sure if I am able to tell what I am feeling now. I finished my breakfast fast and said goodbye to mom and Nora and walked out of the house. I closed and what I saw in front of me I got shocked Alexander freaking steward is right in front of me with his bike dam he looks so good but too bad he is already taken. But wait why is he here? I was so lost that I did not know when Alex stood in from of me trying to bring me back to my senses.

Alex : Bella?
Me : huh?
Alex : what happened?
Me : what are you doing here?

That was the only thing that came in my mind and now when I think of it I feel it is rude of asking that I should not had said it stupid me.

Alex : what?
Me : sorry that is not what I meant.
Alex : are you fine?
Me : yeah yeah.
Alex : ok.
Me : so.....

I did not know how to ask Alex why is he over here? I was lost of words.

Alex : what happened?
Me : nothing.
Alex : you seem wired today.
Me : I was wondering you had work over this side again? Just asking ........... If you do not want to answer it is fine.
Alex : no but are we not going to school.
Me : yeah.
Alex : hop on.

Wow I am so great I thought of ignoring him today and me being me did not think of this that he is going to reach me to school.

Alex : Bella?
Me : yeah coming.

I got on his bike and did not catch him instead I caught the bike back think I am not sure what it is called but I guess I will call it a handle.

Alex : what happened?
Me : huh?
Alex : no you did not catch me.
Me : umm........ I was thinking to catch this handle.
Alex : you sure you want to catch that and not me. *Smriking*
Me : huh?

Is he trying to flirt with be like seriously he has a girlfriend and here he is flirting with me what will his girlfriend think if she sees us?

Me : we are getting late I think we should go.
Alex : ok.

With that he drove off in a minute or two we reached the school as Alex parked his bike I got down.

Me : thank you.

With that inturned my back and tried to walk away when Alex stoped me.

Alex : Bella.
Me : yeah?
Alex : why are you in a haste?
Me : haste? I got to trading the cheerleading girls and the studies there is too much of work today so I have to go bye.
Alex : but Bella listen.
Me : huh?
Alex : yesterday.....
Me : Alex we will talk afterwards I got to go now.

With that without listening to him j walked away I could not stand there to hear him saying "yesterday I was think for you to meet my girlfriend". I walked to my classroom and as I reached my seat Emma came and hug me while Mia was following her.

Emma: I am so happy.
Me : happy? Why?
Emma : now stop.
Me : stop what?
Emma : Mia told me everything.
Me : what did she said?
Emma : you did not wanted me to know?
Me : know what?
Mia : about Alex and you.
Me : about him and me. *Sad voice*
Mia : Belle what happened?
Emma : yeah what are you sounding sad?
Me : we are not dating.
Emma : what? Why?
Mia : you did not go and tell him?
Me : no.
Emma : then how is he going to know?
Mia : then we will come with you ok so that you can tell him.
Me : no.
Emma : no?
Mia : Belle is everything fine?
Me  : he already loves someone else.
Emma : what?
Mia : did he tell you that?
Me : no.
Emma : then who told you that?
Me : no one.
Mia : Belle you can not assume anything like that
Me : I am not assume anything like that.
Mia :wait Belle tell everything in detail what had happened yesterday.
Me : ok.


(To be continued.....)

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