Chapter Five

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I reached the canteen and stood in the line and took my food and walked to Emma and Mia where they were sitting.

Me : hi.
Emma : hey.
Mia : how was your lectures?
Me : not so good.
Emam : did something interesting happened that I missed?
Me : in maths class got a cold person as my partner.
Mia : cold person?
Me : yeah.
Emma : what happened?
Me : I was going to introduce my name and since before miss had taken my name so he said he knew my name which was in a cold tone.
Mia : looks like that person had a bad day.
Emma : yeah.
Mia : hey about this new student everyone was talking about him.
Emma : yeah I'm sure he will not be so cold in talking.
Me : I'm speaking about the same person.
Emma : the new transferred student?
Me : yeah.
Mia : so he is the cold tone person?
Me : yeah.
Emma : looks like the new guy had a bad day in the start.
Mia : and you can't change you partner.
Emma : and you will have to work with the cold guy.
Me : it's going to be tough.
Mia : all the best.
Emma : good luck with that.

*Bell ringing*

Mia : so let's go to our lecture.
Emma : yeah.
Mia : meet you both after highschool, bye.
Me : wait you are not with Emma and me for the last lecture?
Mia : no I don't have psychology
Me : ok.
Emma : how about we all meet at my place after highschool?
Mia : I can't, I'm going out with Liam.
Me : ok.
Emma : let's decided afterwards and let's go for our lectures.
Mia&Me : yes.

We all went to our classes after a long day in highschool it's time to go home and rest that is the best part I was walking out of the highschool, Emma and Lucas will be dropping me home, Emma told me to stay net to Lucas's car while she is going to meet out of his class. I was at the parking area of the highschool when I saw a bunch of girls looking at something I followed their stare and the were looking at the new guy aka the cold person looks like he is going home and he has a motorcycle I feel his motorcycle is much better than him at least that motorcycle dosent speaks. I went to Lucas's car and waited there after some time Lucas and Emma came.

Me : at last you both came.
Lucas : sorry for taking too long.
Me : it's ok.
Emma : let's go.

We got into the car and Lucas drove and played songs. We reached my house.

Lucas : here we go Bella your house is here.
Me : thanks Lucas for the ride.
Lucas : your welcome.
Emma : bye bella.
Me : bye Emma.

I got into my house and was welcomed by my mom.

Me : hey mom I'm back.
Mom : how was your day? *Smiling*
Me it was 95% good.
Mom : why? What about the 5%?
Me : nothing bad happened it was just the lecture it was..... Boring.
Mom : ok but don't sleep during the lectures.
Me : yes mom.
Mom : *smiles*
Me : mom what is there to eat, I'm hungry.
Mom : for lunch I made spaghetti with meat balls.
Me : lovely.
Mom : but first wash up and then come down to eat.
Me : I'll wash up afterwards, I'm very hungry.
Mom : no if you don't wash up then you will not get to eat.
Me : ok give me some time I'll come to eat.
Mon : ok I'll make the food hot.
Me : ok mom.

I went to my room and melted my bag next to my study table and picked my clothes from my closet and entered my bathroom and had a wash. I got dressed. I wore a with short pant and a top with leaf pattern and went down to the table and sat on the chair.

Me : mom I hungry.
Mom : here you go, eat up.
Me : thank you mom.
Mom : eat slowly.
Me : yes mom, by the way where is Nora?
Mom : Travis and Nora are hanging out together.
Me : ok.
Mom : while you were in the wash room Mia had called up.
Me : what she said?
Mom : she told me to tell you to call later.
Me : after eating I'll call her.
Mom : ok, I'll be in the neighbor's house all ladies are meeting there.
Me : ok but whose house?
Mom : Mrs.Elezibt house.
Me : ok bye.
Mom : bye.

I finished my food and call Mia.

*Mia picked up the phone*

Me : hey.
Mia : hey where were you?
Me : I was eating.
Mia : ok.
Me : you had called?
Mia : yeah today trampoline park.
Me : yes at last.
Mia : ok so you will have to get ready.
Me : but wait why will Emma and you will go to a trampoline park?
Mia : Emma and I decided tomorrow we will go to the mall or another time when we have a lot of time.
Me : ok so our queen's needs a lot of time to go to the mall and since today we don't have time so why not to go to the trampoline park.
Mia : ok fine now stop.
Me : yeah yeah. *laughing*
Mia : I'll message you the address.
Me : ok.
Mia : on see you there.
Me : yeah.
Mia : and now take a rest.
Me : I don't think I'll.
Mia : why?
Me : I'll do the highschool work first.
Mia : ok bye.
Me : bye.

*Call ended*


(To be continued..........)

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