Words from the Author

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Hey all! I really hope you enjoy this book! It's my first published work on Wattpad, or anywhere really. I'm very proud of it. 

I don't mind anyone helping me edit by commenting on misspelled words or grammatical errors. I try to proofread meticulously, but alas, this book is still unedited and some errors will surely prevail. Help a girl out!

All words, ideas, and plots are MY OWN and mine alone. Any resemblance to other published works or real life people is purely coincidental. They are copy-written and are NOT to be published as anyone else's work

I do not authorize anyone to reproduce this work in any way.

Other than that, I hope you all enjoy! I hope this book can serve as a mental respite during these times, and I hope you all stay well!

Oh, and BTW  a LOT of relevant tags are missing from this book because I refuse to spoil in any way. Tataaaaaaa

Yours Always,


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