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I woke up sweating profusely, every single part of my body burned.

Oh God, I don't want to shift again.

Aurora! Stop this!

She ignored my violent pleas and I began to shake. My first shift was horribly painful, I didn't think I could live through it again. Sharp pains shot across my pelvis making me groan loudly. I don't remember this happening last time. I tried to sit up but the pain that I felt in return caused me to scream out loud.

"Hnn-Lux?" Kohl mumbled as he woke from his sleep. After a second or two he shot up. "Luxor! What's wrong with you?"

I shook my head back and forth trying to communicate that I didn't know. If I'd tried to speak I would've ended up screaming again instead. My panicked eyes met his own wide hazel eyes.

"Fuck!" He said, jumping up out of the bed we were sharing.

Tearing at his own hair he paced around the room. His eyes were glowing off and on. The fear that Ares would win the war for control distracted me from my own pain for a second. But, my temporary respite was cut short when the pain intensified.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, whimpering as I rolled around the bed in the fetal position.

It felt like someone was shoving a hot branding iron inside me and rolling it around. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I knew something was missing. I needed something, and whatever it was I needed it more than I needed oxygen. I looked at Kohl again as I clutched my stomach desperate for relief. I implored him to help me even though I couldn't manage the words. He balled up his fists as his muscles flexed and the veins in his forearms popped. His aggression would have genuinely frightened me before but in that moment all I felt was...turned on.

Oh my god! Turned on by Kohl? What the fuck is happening to me?

"Fuck! I'm sorry, Luxor. I can't."

Can't WHAT? What the fuck is going on?

"H-help me...please." I managed to squeeze out. My voice came out as a breathy whisper.

Kohl's eyes flickered between cobalt and brown, each time lasting longer than before. Barely maintaining control he turned around and booked it out of the room. I rolled from side to side trying desperately to find relief from the pain but the pressure in my abdomen only grew as the fire spread throughout my body. I heard frantic yelling in the hallway but I couldn't focus enough to discern any of the words. Finally, Kohl sprinted back into the room with a frazzled Drue hot on his heels. It was clear from the bedhead and the fact that he was only in boxers that he'd just woken up. I whimpered again as the pain intensified another degree.

"Shit, man. She's in heat?!" Drue half-yelled after he'd looked at me.

Heat?! My off-handed remark from last night clearly came back to bite me in the cooch.

I moaned as the pain squeezed me tight.

"FUCKING HELL! Drue, I can't stay. Ares."

Drue nodded, still staring at me like he'd seen a ghost while Kohl grabbed his phone, a shirt and his shoes before leaving again. Once he was at the door he gave me one last look, torn between staying and leaving.

"NO! " A scream ripped its way through my throat. Once he'd closed the door the pain ratcheted up skipping ten levels and I began sobbing uncontrollably.

"Lux. Try to calm down." I glared at Drue where he stood wide-eyed at the foot of the bed. It was clear he didn't want to get too close to me for some reason.

Basically, I Hate Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن