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"Mom!" I walked through the front door and kicked off my shoes. Dropping my bag on the bench I noted that there were no tennis shoes on the floor.

Score, no boys home. Ew, don't even think about what-or who-they're doing.

"In here!" She yelled from the kitchen.

"Hi!" I said, finding her bending over the oven to slide in a dish.

"Hi, honey, how was your first day?"

"Jace embarrassed me by flirting with some of the other senior girls. So, great."

She chuckled, not surprised in the least by the news. "What's new?" She said sarcastically, walking over to give me a hug.

"Why are your sons such whores, mother?"

"Hey! Language!" She slapped me with the oven mitt.

"It's true and you know it!"

I walked into the pantry and grabbed a snack size pack of Oreos.

"What I know is I have four amazing children."

"Yeahyeahyeah, what's for dinner?"

"Baked ziti and a garden salad with fresh baguette."

"Yum!" I said through a mouthful of Oreo. "Oh, Rhett's coming over."

"Between you, Rhett, and the boys I'm surprised we ever keep food in the house. And don't spoil your dinner!"

I gave her a look that clearly said 'when have I ever not eaten the food placed in front of me?'

She chuckled. "What am I saying? This is the same child of mine who ate so much at her seventh birthday party she threw up. Then laughed because she could start eating again."

"What can I say? I'm classy." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Go wash up, dinner's in an hour."

"Kay, love you mama."

"I love you more, my love."

I marched up to the room I had to wrestle Wren for when we were younger. It was the only room with a bay window besides the master and it was all the way at the end of the hall. When it rained I'd sit in the window and be emo while listening to my music.

I fell back dramatically onto my bed. I'll just rest my eyes for a bit.

I woke up almost an hour later and quickly hopped in the shower so I would be ready for dinner on time. Otherwise, the boys would eat the food without a second thought for who wasn't present.

I exited the bathroom in my robe and found Rhett lying down on my bed tossing a plush ball up to the ceiling.

"Hey, asshole! Get off my bed."

"Fuck off! As if you ever get off mine." He mindlessly bounced the ball off the wall while I grabbed a pair of pajama shorts and an old band tee to wear downstairs. After I dressed in the bathroom and came back out he was looking out of the window pensively.

"Ready to go down? Dinner should be done."

"It is. Your mum sent me up here to get you." He said, never looking away from the view.

"WHAT?! Are you insane? Jaxon and Jace will eat it all, let's go!" I shouted as I ran to the door like the floor was on fire.

"Lux, wait! Do you-do you think I'm proper strange?" He said, finally looking me in the eyes as he eagerly awaited my answer.

"Why would I think that? Because of the book?"

"And other things." He mumbled more to himself than anything.

Basically, I Hate YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora