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After sitting by the stream allowing some of my anxiety to fade I dusted myself off and went back into the pack hospital. Everyone's eyes fell onto me as I entered the room. I ignored the discomfort that sparked from being the center of attention and tentatively walked back to Rhett's bedside. I forcefully cleared my throat drawing Grace's attention. When she looked I spoke confidently despite feeling completely off kilter inside.

"I really am sorry I didn't call you sooner, Grace. But, I was still processing this all for myself. You have no idea how scared I was witnessing everything that happened. Not to mention the fact that I literally couldn't say the words "Rhett is in a coma" before today."

"I know. And I'm sorry for yelling, sweetie. This is all just so..."

"Unbelievable." I finished for her.

She nodded gratefully and offered me her hand. When I took it she squeezed mine firmly. One great thing about Grace was that despite her shortcomings she never held a grudge.

"I hate to interrupt but we all got on the road before we could even get ourselves together this morning. Is there somewhere we can freshen up? Maybe eat something?" My mother asked quietly.

That's the worst thing about being in hospitals, it's always so quiet. People speak in hushed whispers like they're afraid the slightest disturbance could kill their loved ones. The thought of Rhett's life being that fragile frightened me.

"I can show you to a guest cottage we have." Lochland offered.

My mother smiled gratefully.

As my family left they all comforted Grace with a hug or in my mother's case a kiss on the cheek and it finally dawned on me that the twins weren't with them.

A clear testament to the closeness of our relationships.

"Where are Jaxon and Jace?" I asked my parents. They both looked shocked that I'd spoken directly to them but my father recovered quickly.

"They stayed back to watch over the pack. We couldn't all be gone."

I nodded and went back to staring at Rhett's monitors. I listened as they all filed out leaving Drue, Anya, Grace and I alone.

"You guys can go, I'm sure you have other things to be doing."

"Anya, you should go train with the pack." Drue said to her.

"And you?"

"I'll catch up in a few." Drue answered.

Anya nodded and came over to give me a hug and a comforting smile.

"It was nice to meet you Ms. Everhart. I wish it wasn't under these circumstances." She said to Grace warmly.

"You too, darling. Thank you for what you've done for my son and Lux."

Anya grinned and walked out of the door.

"Luxor, can I talk to you?"Drue's serious expression coupled with his use of my full name caught me off guard.

I nodded and followed him out of the building. We walked in silence as we went deeper into the woods behind the pack hospital. My anxiety grew before finally the trees thinned and we came upon a large open field with bright green grass. It was understated yet somehow beautiful in its simplicity. There were no wildflowers or other decorations yet it was still eye-catching. Maybe because it seemed largely undisturbed. Drue sat down in the middle of the field where the sun was brightest and I joined him, crossing my legs to get comfortable.

"Are you going to tell me why you brought me out here? Orrrrr..?" I asked when it became clear he wasn't planning on speaking.

Drue studied me silently in a way that was mildly uncomfortable. Not because I thought he was checking me out but because it was such a contrast from his typical demeanor.

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