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The next morning I woke to an empty bed. I sat up and stretched, noticing the shower running and realized Anya was already awake. I relaxed against the backboard waiting for her to come out so I could freshen up. After a few minutes she stepped out of the bathroom in her fluffy robe with her hair wet.

"Hey, you! I thought I was going to have to get a bullhorn to wake you."

I laughed at her lame joke.

"Nope. I'm up."

"Excited about today, huh?"

"Yeah, I really am." I was in a wonderful mood for the first time since my birthday. I almost felt like my old self.

"I am too. I've been dreaming about meeting Mr. Calvin Klein properly." She said with a dazed look on her face. I took the pillow I was leaning against and threw it at her. She snapped out of her daydream after it hit her and gave me an expression of fake outrage.

"Hey! There will be none of that! He's my best friend."

"I know! It doesn't mean I can ignore what my eyes can so clearly see." She giggled. "Get dressed. I wanna grab breakfast and then go meet Chris Hemsworth's long lost brother."

I groaned knowing she was going to continue to fawn over Rhett the whole day.

Poor guy, he's not even awake and the ladies can't give it a rest.

I went and grabbed a quick shower. When I came out Anya was still in her robe and was standing in front of her closet with her head cocked.

"I'm having a problem. Should I dress casual and flirty or casual and sexy?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"How about you dress like a girl who's going to meet her friend's friend who's just coming out of a freaking coma!"

"Okay... and is that casual and flirty or casual and sexy?"

"Ughhhh!" I threw her hairbrush at her back which caused her to yelp and laugh.

"I'm gonna go casual and flirty because sexy seems like it would send the wrong message. Plus, your families will be there." She nodded to herself thoughtfully. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay well, can I borrow some clothes. I'm thinking they should say, 'I barely tried and really don't give a fuck but hey, I showered.'" She laughed and shook her head and threw me a pair of spandex shorts and a band tee. I nodded, it's exactly what I would've picked out of my own things upstairs.

I really need to get my stuff from Kohl's suite.

We both dressed quickly, eager to start the day. All the way down to breakfast we laughed, chatting about random topics. I could tell Anya was happy for me as much as she had teased about having her own motives. It was the most we'd actually spoken in each other's presence. Before she'd been following my lead which was detached and depressed, opposite of her natural wavelength. It was nice to feel like I finally saw her in her girly and chatty element but still felt comfortable around her.

All the boys were already at the table when we got there, along with my brother Wren. I smiled at him and slid into my normal seat between Kohl and Drue, still smiling.

"Hey, you seem happy." Drue said, smiling at me. I nodded enthusiastically and reached over to grab a plate from the center of the table.

"They're gonna wake Rhett today." I told him.

"Oh, that's awesome! I'm happy he's feeling better." It was sweet that he cared enough about me to want my friend to be okay. Especially knowing how Kohl felt about Rhett.

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