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My feet were getting shredded by the rocks and tree trunks I leapt over trying to escape what I'd just done with Kohl. Yet, I barely felt the pain. I kept pushing myself faster, harder, farther. As time went on I got frustrated with how slow my human legs were going, even though I was sprinting through the forest like a bat out of hell they couldn't keep up with how fast my mind was racing. It started to feel like I was trapped, suffocating as I tried to escape my own skin. I wanted so badly to feel free like I did when I shifted for the first time.


I felt her attention as she took a more active role in my consciousness.


I begged without so much as slowing down the pace I was keeping.

Amazingly, it was as if she jumped out of my skin. She launched us into mid air before landing on four legs. I skidded to a stop and shook out my long white fur. It was insane, given my first shift I'd assumed there'd be pain involved, I couldn't even fathom how I knew what to do. But on only my second shift I was doing it like a pro. It gave me a boost of confidence to realize that whether or not I'd been taught how to be a wolf it didn't matter because my instincts would never fail me.

Using my enhanced senses I sorted out how far I had gotten myself. The canopy of trees was blocking my view of anything but the lush green forest as I circled around. I could tell which way I'd come from based on the trampled leaves and disturbed branches but that couldn't tell me which way to go next. I dropped my nose to the ground searching for some kind of sign. My ears perked, small animals scampered away from the predator they sensed in their midst. I paid it no mind because somewhere in the distance I heard the soothing sound of rushing water. I darted off in that direction without another thought.

I was starving, licking my jowl my tongue got stuck because it was so dry from my unsatiated thirst. I ran faster hoping that I would stumble across somewhere that was equally beautiful and isolated. There I could recharge and figure out my next moves. I knew that I couldn't avoid my responsibilities or the consequences of my actions for long, especially since Kohl was out of commission. I'd already told Lochland that I'd step up and help, it was time to make good on my word.

As I thought about Lochland I quizzically tested out the tether between our minds. Ever since we'd bonded I could always sense him there like a tag out of place on the back of a shirt. You know it's there, it's mildly irritating but once you push it away you can forget about it again. Not wanting to be found I quickly shut down that part of my mind again before he could pester me with another lecture or questions about what I was up to.

Distracted, I burst through the tree line haphazardly.

STOP! Aurora yelled.

I quickly dug my heels into the dirt stopping just before I careened over the edge of the cliff I'd come upon. I came to a screeching halt. Curiously, I trotted forward until I stood dangerously close to the edge. Perched atop the large brown jagged rocks I had a picture perfect view. Peering down I could observe the waterfall's 50 foot drop where the brilliant blue water pooled. Water droplets sprayed me, misting my coat and cooling me down from the sweat I built up during the sprint. I felt incredible, I felt free. I danced around happily splashing in the water near the edge before I shook out, laying down right there on a flat rock near the edge.

Dangerous? Sure.

But, it felt a million times safer than what was waiting for me back at the packhouse. I laid there peacefully with my head resting on my paws, observing the beauty of nature, for a long time. Birds flew out of the treetops diving down towards the water, hunting smaller prey. The breeze blew around me, spreading the fresh scent everywhere it went.

Basically, I Hate YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang