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I climbed off Anya's bike after she parked in the garage and willed my noodle legs to cooperate with me and keep me upright. I never knew that you felt so much vibration being on a motorcycle, it could actually make your legs go numb.

"I'm so excited for Rhett to get out of that hospital bed!" Anya squealed as she untied the bundle of our bags and noticed her lingerie box. I fought back disgust.

"Please, Anya. There are some things I just don't want to know. Your sex life with Rhett is top three and not number three."

"Sorry! Excuse me for being excited about finally meeting my mate."

That made me feel bad, especially given what I knew about her and her past and how badly she wanted to find her life partner.

"No, I'm sorry. I guess I'm letting my own shitty situation cloud my happiness for you. I really am happy for you guys, if I'm going to be stuck with Rhett and his mate for the rest of my life there is no one I'd rather be around." She smiled brightly and lunged at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing me tightly.

"Thank you, Lux. I'm so happy we met! It feels nice to have a close girlfriend again." She pulled away, allowing me to breathe.

I was still uncomfortable that Anya was wriggling her way into my life but I decided to swallow those emotions so I wouldn't dampen her mood.

"Let's get back to Rhett. I miss him."

I rolled my eyes at her love-stricken face and we ambled out of the garage towards the pack hospital.

"Speaking of mates, I forgot to ask you about Emily. You know, now that you've found Rhett."

She stopped in her tracks looking at me wide-eyed. "Shoot! I totally forgot about her."

"Yikes." I replied, feeling bad for how quickly Emily had been swept aside.

It really was true what Anya said about how finding your mate made everyone else irrelevant. So what was Kohl's excuse for Bimbo Barbie? Or mine for that matter?

"Well, what ever happened with you guys that night you had the sleepover?"

"Nothing!" She said a bit too quickly.

I quirked an eyebrow at her defensive behavior.

"No, really. Nothing happened. I was too chicken to even tell her about my feelings. Which is probably for the best considering."

I nodded my agreement.

"Honestly, now that I know what having a mate is like the feelings I have for Rhett dwarf anything I ever felt for Emily. She was actually talking to me about guys the night we hung out. Apparently, she's hooking up with one of the guards."

My eyes widened. I found myself feeling kind of bad for Anya, that must've hurt. But, it explained Emily's seating arrangements in the living room.


She shook her head and nodded towards the hospital signaling for us to start walking again. I walked beside her.

"No apologies necessary. I did feel a weird pull to her, but like I said, what I feel for Rhett is pretty all-consuming. It stung in my chest a bit to be gone as long as we have today."

"Well feel free to skip the lingerie shopping next time. We could have been back much sooner." I joked.

Anya laughed at the gibe.

"No can do, sweetheart. Plus, I have a feeling I'm about to be Drue's new favorite person after he sees you in that." We laughed loudly.

"Whatever, I got it for myself. Who's to say he'll ever see it?"

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