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As Drue and I approached the pack house Kohl's tense figure overshadowed the living room where he stood. I couldn't understand why he was so upset, I was the one who went through whatever the fuck that was.

"Why the fuck are you walking like that?" He gritted as I stepped inside, his expression severe.

Drue regarded me closely and his face twisted in confusion.

"What's wrong, Lux? Are you hurt?"

"I-I don't know. I can't remember. I don't remember where I've been." I muttered, more to myself than them.

To a person who's never experienced memory loss suddenly beginning to experience amnesia without a comprehensible cause is completely unnerving. My brain was an SD card, and someone deleted a handful of important files. What's worse, is that I still remembered the files existed in the first place. I knew in my gut, something bad happened and I had no clue who or what did it...and possibly more importantly, why.

Who would want to hurt me?

"What do you mean you don't remember?" Kohl spat venomously.

"I. don't. know!"

I might've felt out of it but not to the point where I would allow Kohl's douche-y behavior to slide. He grunted, crossing his arms frustratedly as he scrutinized me, making me feel uncomfortable. He was treating me as if I'd done something wrong.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Drue asked, rubbing circles on my shoulder as he spoke. Before I could answer him Kohl's eyes zeroed in on my shoulder, suspicion clear in his expression, and I froze.

Drue and I, we couldn't have... I mean I don't remember it, so that couldn't have happened...right? No, he would never do that to me.

I shook off the thought so violently that I actually shook Drue's hand off my shoulder. His expression fell at the perceived rebuff, oblivious to his friend's attention being on him as he caressed me. But, there was nothing I could do to lessen the blow while Kohl was standing right there.

Not to mention, there were clearly more pressing matters.

Think. Think. Where were you before the forest?

The hospital.

"The last thing I remember is feeling really weird in the hospital." It wasn't much, but with the timing there had to be a connection between whatever occurred in the chunk of time I lost and the feeling that settled over me in the hospital.

Drue's attention immediately snapped to Kohl- who was still staring at me without moving an inch. It felt like he was going to burn a hole in the middle of my forehead and leave me looking like Vision.

"Describe 'feeling really weird'." Drue asked, sporadically giving Kohl a puzzled expression.

He's probably wondering why the bastard is undressing me like an 8-year-old with 'laser vision.'

"I was talking with Anya and Rhett, and then it was like the back of my neck prickled, and then I flushed with heat. My stomach was in knots. I had a gut feeling that I was being watched. It sounds crazy so I brushed it off. A few minutes later the heat came. I just assumed it was all related."

"Kohl, it's pretty clear that something happened to Lux. I don't think it was just a normal heat cycle. So, now we just need to find out who and why." Drue spoke sporting a warm smile at the end, trying to reassure me even though he lacked the same answers I did.

Kohl grunted. I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows, as if he were shocked by my eye contact. I had been avoiding it but only because he was staring so intently.

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