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I sat there, letting myself fall apart for an indeterminable amount of time. The more I thought about the pain Drue's absence caused the more the hole in my soul widened. When I tried to shift my train of thought the only other identifiable emotion was anger. I wondered if Wren was right. Could Drue have been using me? Was he just capitalizing on my situation with Kohl as a ploy to get in my pants? Everything in my heart screamed no, that we were just beginning to uncover the beginning of something truly beautiful. But, what if I was wrong about him? Could he be just another person in my life who'd betrayed my confidence?

I used the brief respite that the discovery of my anger towards him provided. Standing on my feet, I wiped my face and spurred myself forward. I had to finish the run. Not just to prove to Lochland and Kohl that I was worthy, or to prove to myself that my crippled start in the supernatural world wouldn't hinder my progress as Luna. No, I had to keep running to burn off the rage poisoning my rationale.

I beat my feet into the ground harder and harder with each step. Before I knew it I was coming right up on the rest of the pack that had long left me behind. Not wanting to chance running in tandem with Drue again, I pushed myself harder still. I ignored the wheezing as my lungs struggled desperately for each breath, I ignored the pain in my ribs, I ignored Drue's anguished face playing on a loop in my head, nothing mattered except finishing what I'd started. I didn't want to simply cross the finish line, I wanted to be first. If I'd known earlier that anger was such a good motivator I'd have channeled all my feelings towards Kohl the last time I'd been subjected to this torture. Unbelievably, the packhouse quickly came into view and I didn't see anyone waiting outside it. Up ahead I recognized a familiar brunette head of hair and the muscular body accompanying it. I waited until I was right behind him before telepathically announcing my impending victory.

"Eat my dust, douchebag."

I used every last ounce of strength I had left to make sure that Lochland didn't catch up. Even when I heard his menacing growl as he tried to overcome my lead my stride didn't falter. I only slowed down once I was at risk of running right through the front doors of the packhouse. I took a few seconds to catch my breath hunched over my knees before I began my victory dance.

"Yes! I beat you, asshole! It wasn't even close!"

Still panting he ran up to me with a scowl. "It wasn't a race."

"Yeah? Is that what all the losers tell themselves?" Still high off my win I reached up and ruffled his perfectly gelled hair because I knew it would tick him off.

Pissed, he grabbed me, hoisting me high off the ground.

"Put me down you big brute!" I yelled as I squirmed, kicking my feet.

"Upside down? Is that what you said?" With a laugh he threw me over his shoulder and let me slip until he grabbed me by the ankle.

"HEY! STOP! PUT ME DOWN NOW!" I yelled as I flailed around behind his back.

With an uncharacteristic laugh he pulled me back over his shoulder with one-handed ease, and finally returned me to my feet. He had to hold me for a second until the dizziness waned. We were both still chuckling as the first couple pack members approached, finishing their runs.

"Let's go." Lochland said, walking into the packhouse.

"We're not gonna wait for the whole pack? Don't we spar now? Do we need to set up the gym or something?"

"No. Drue can handle it. We're skipping today. We have something much more important to discuss."

I groaned. Not another lecture.

Basically, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now