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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed.

I hadn't felt Kohl leave but I wasn't sad that he had. Honestly, my morning breath wouldn't have been an impression I wanted to leave on him. I sat up in bed after a good stretch and yawned. I felt happier than I had in a while and I wasn't sure why. As I thought about the day ahead of me I realized that I had a lot to do, and some of the tasks were pretty daunting. Luna duties, my parents leaving, and the most dreaded, running.

I groaned and dragged myself out of the bed walking around the side where my clothes lay on the chair. I extracted a sports bra and some Nike track shorts from my duffel that I'd used for gym class in school. I thought it may be a good idea to wear them because maybe if I looked the part then I was setting myself up for success. A cheat code, if you will.

I grabbed the wad of my clothes and burst into the bathroom swinging the door open harder than I'd meant. Distracted by the loud bang the door made against the wall I hadn't noticed I'd walked in on Kohl stark naked exiting the shower until it was too late.

"Oh my God! OHMYGOD! I'M SORRY!!" I screeched at Kohl's stunned face as I caught his reflection in the mirror.

I wish I could say that I immediately turned around and ran screaming out of the room. Instead, I stood frozen to the spot with my eyes locked onto his junk. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ummm, hi?" He sounded confused as to why I was still there. As was I.

"I-I thought you were gone!" I said, trying to look only at his eyes and not the rest of his well toned, perfectly-tanned, definitely-steroid-enhanced body.

Jesus, is that a penis or a tree trunk?

"Well...I'm not....sooo....." He made no moves to cover himself or grab the towel that hung on the hook by the shower.

"Uh-yeah, okay. I'll give you a minute. I'll just be outside and I'll wait for you there. No, not for you. For the shower. Well, not just for the shower, also for the sink. And the toile-"

"Luxor! Back out of the bathroom now." He interrupted my nervous rambling.

"Yeah! Okay. Right. Okay!" I quickly backed out of the bathroom and pressed my back against the wall facing the bed.

He closed the door and I let out a huge breath and a nervous chuckle. I placed a hand on my heart confirming what I knew to be true, it was racing a mile a minute, making my whole upper body thud against the wall. Before I knew it, Kohl was exiting the bathroom with a towel slung low on his waist. He looked around the room before he noticed me against the wall beside him. He gave me a friendly smile which I returned a much shakier version of.

"It's fine, Luxor. Calm down." He chuckled at the nervous energy clearly radiating off my trembling body.

"Ididn'tmeanto." I rushed out as I blushed hard.

"I know. I think your shrieking made that perfectly clear."

"Umm. Yeah, sorry again."

He smirked and walked away. I watched the muscles in his back as he walked over to the dresser, reaching up to tousle his wet hair. Even his butt was nice. I felt like a perv for looking at him like that, but I literally couldn't help it. It's like trying to look away from a car accident. Something keeps you locked in. Call me a glutton for chaos and punishment.

I eventually gathered myself and walked into the offending bathroom kicking the door shut behind me and locking it quickly. I studied my cherry-red face in the mirror and laughed to myself. Only I could get myself into a situation like that.

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