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I burst into the hospital ahead of everyone else and remembered how much I despised the smell of the sanitizer and the sterile environment. I hoped it would be the last time I was here to see an unconscious Rhett. Of course I knew Rhett would only be waking up and not leaving but knowing that tomorrow when I came to see him we'd be talking and laughing was enough to get me through.

"Hey, princess." My father said with a smile.

It seemed like everyone was in a good mood. The air was just lighter.

"Hi, Dad." I went over to give him a hug. It was quick but when we pulled away I saw tears in his eyes. I smiled and walked away.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hi, honey." She smiled at me though her eyes were full of tears as well.

For some reason I couldn't bring myself to hug her. Even though I knew that everyone had told the same lie it hurt on different levels. Instead, I walked over to Grace and hugged her as she planted a kiss on my cheek. As I moved over to Rhett's bedside my family greeted Drue and Anya behind me . His cheeks were flushed with life and his eyes were moving behind the lids as if he were dreaming. Taking his hand I was happy that his usual warmth enveloped me. My heart swelled with relief.

"What's the verdict, Christine? When can we wake him?" My father's voice boomed.

Dr. Carson smiled warmly, clearly used to an Alpha's presence.

"I was waiting for everyone to arrive. I've been gradually reducing the amount of sedative in his IV's all night. Right now he's on the edge of consciousness. I'm going to administer the Methylphenidate which will wake him within a few minutes."

Grace grabbed my hand and squeezed as my heart began to race. It was all becoming real, he was finally waking up. Within minutes he'd be back and I was nervous about how we left things and how that would affect him but excited nonetheless. Anya came and stood by my side, briefly leaning her head on my left shoulder in support. Then she stepped back and gave us some room.

"Because he's been out for a while and due to the silver poisoning there may be some side effects. He may be extremely drowsy, have some memory loss, be unable to form coherent words or struggle with his motor skill. There's also a chance that he'll be completely fine. It all depends. I want you all to temper your expectations. He'll need time to heal but all signs point to him recovering fully." Dr. Carson advised while making eye contact with each of us in turn. I nodded subtly.

After saying her piece she took out a syringe and pushed the clear liquid into his IV. We all waited with bated breaths for him to come around. Eventually the heart monitor began to pick up, it went from slow and steady to beeping faster and faster. Rhett's groaning got louder as he got closer to consciousness, as if he was having a nightmare.

"Is he in pain?" I asked Dr. Carson worriedly.

"He may be. I'll give him some morphine but due to his naturally elevated temperature it may not help or help only for a few minutes depending on his pain level." She took out a second syringe and inserted it's contents into his IV. The groaning continued for a few moments before his breathing evened out. Grace grabbed his hand as if to coax him back to us and let him know he wasn't alone.

Finally, I saw it.

His eyes fluttered. They blinked open and then shut tightly. Then once more, staying open a hare longer. Again, and again until finally his eyes were open. The sky blue eyes of my best friend was a sight I hadn't really realized how much I missed. I let out a huge sigh of relief. My mother and Grace cried quietly, their own worries expressed cathartically.

My heart thumped.

Maybe he wouldn't remember any of us. Maybe he would and he wouldn't want to see me. Maybe he'd be mad that he was attacked all because of my behavior. Maybe he'd-

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