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Around lunch time Drue and Anya returned to bring me food and sit with us for a while. I ate the sandwich and chips quietly, still deep in thought. My mind had been torturing me for days with Rhett and I's 'greatest hits' reel. It was painful to realize it was our first real argument, and we might never have a chance to make it right.

"Your family's here." Drue announced, breaking the silence for the first time in a while. I was going to ask him how he knew when I remembered mindlinking was a possibility for them.

"Mindlink?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Don't be. Why can't I hear?"

"It's because you're not a part of our pack," He answered.

"Yet." Anya cheerfully chimed in.

"Kohl and Lochland are going to have them brought here."

"Kohl and Lochland are coming too?" I asked, my nerves frazzled at the thought of all of us in one room together.

"Yeah. I mean, I can tell them not to. It's just-"

"No. No, it's fine. Thanks."

He nodded and we all fell back into an uncomfortable silence.

My heart began racing as anxiety about seeing my family for the first time in a week took over. It was hard to reconcile. Between my intention to never see or speak to them again and the smothering nature of my parents-especially with Rhett being hurt-I was nervous to be around them. I set aside my personal feelings on the matter for the moment, but I certainly wasn't over what they'd done. I was anxious for Rhett to wake up, but at the same time I wasn't sure what would happen with us when he did. I couldn't predict how I'd feel once my thoughts weren't so preoccupied with worry.

Tires rolled over the gravel outside the hospital and I felt my body tense turning me into a living statue. Anya reached over and gave me a tight hug which I leaned into and tried to take a deep breath. Frantic footsteps ran towards the door and knew it was either my mom or Rhett's, possibly both.

The door forcefully swung open, and I jumped as it banged against the wall.

"Oh GOD! My baby! My little boy!" Rhett's mom, Grace, was standing in the doorway with a shaking hand covering her mouth. Her blonde hair was disheveled and her eyes were puffy and red from crying. I found it extremely hard to watch her crying, the guilt overwhelmed me.

She probably hates me.

It was my fault. If Rhett had never come looking for me because I was ignoring him he would be fine. I did this to her. I might've taken the only person she had in this world. After her and Rhett's father were divorced it had been just them. Grace was scatterbrained, a horrible cook, and quite possibly an alcoholic but one thing was always clear, she loved Rhett with every fiber of her being. And now he was lying in front of her hurt badly and unconscious.

As we made eye contact I saw all the emotion in her eyes: disbelief, anger, and unimaginable pain. It was unclear which of the emotions were for me. As she shakily approached the bed Drue and Anya both stood to make room for her at his side. She reached an unsteady hand towards him, before pulling it back.

"He-he looks so fragile. My Rhett, just lying in this hospital bed." Sobs broke through again. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and forced myself to speak.

"You can touch him, hold his hand. Dr. Carson says he's stable and slowly healing." I repeated the only thing I'd been holding onto since it all happened.

Grace reached out and timidly grasped the hand lying at his side and her knees gave out. I quickly grabbed her hips before she could fall and steadied her, guiding her body to the seat Anya previously occupied.

Basically, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now