Save Our School

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Camryn's POV

"I don't wanna go today." I say as I walk into the kitchen

"Go where?" Fangs asks as my eyes fall on him and Pea sitting at the kitchen table

"To school." I say with a smirk

"Good cause we don't want to either." Fangs says as I sit down on Pea's left leg

"Do you really not wanna go or you just being good friends and an even better fiance?" I ask

"Both." Fangs says with a smirk

"Where's Toni?" I ask

"She's gonna be a Rivervixen. She's been spending an awful lot of time with Cheryl." Fangs says

"I can see it." I say softly with a knowing smirk

-The Next Afternoon-

"This isn't a demolition notice. It's a notice of extermination." Jug says as he crumples up the demolition notice

"We've already said our goodbye to Southside, Jughead." Toni says

"Today, it's Southside High. Tomorrow, it's the Wyrm. Everything that makes the Southside home is gonna disappear. If we roll over now, it's all over." Jug says

"It's just a building, Jug." Toni says

"No! Toni, it's the soul of the Southside. The Uktena fought and died trying to protect that land. Our parents fought to keep us safe during the riots. Now it's our turn. It's our time. This is our fight. So who's with me? Who's ready to go to war?" Jug asks

"What are you suggesting, Jug?" Toni asks

"Join my hunger strike and we chain ourselves to Southside high." Jug says

"Juggy, I don't know if you noticed but I'm growing a human being inside of me. I literally eat twenty four seven. My locker looks like a fat kids wet dream." I say

"I'm not asking you to join the hunger strike, just support us. Bring us water and anything else we might need." Jug says

"I know your engagement party is tonight, so if you and Sweet Pea can't that's fine." He adds

"Screw our engagement party. We still get the gifts even without the party. Pea didn't wanna go anyways." I say with a smirk

-Later That Night-

I hand out blankets and bottles of water to the Serpents that are chained to Southside High before Archie rides up on his bicycle

"Well, well, well. The cavalry's finally here. Guess that means we've got Hiram's attention." Jug says

"Are you nuts? Chaining yourself to this place? They're gonna tear it down in two days, dude." Archie says

"Not unless Hiram wants the blood of eight young Serpents on his hands. We're not going anywhere. Go and tell your boss we said that." Jug says before Archie gets back on his bike and rides off

"Go home, get some sleep." Pea says

"You really think I'm leaving you idiots out here? No, I'm sleeping in the car." I say with a smirk before pecking Pea's lips

-The Next Morning-

"God, why didn't you call me last night, Jug?" Betty asks

"You would've came here and tried to stay the night." Jug says

"Cam did." Betty says

"She stayed in her car." Jug says

"Are you sure you're not gonna get arrested for trespassing or protesting without a permit." Betty says

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