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Camryn's POV

"Hey, how're you doing?" Veronica asks as she appears by my side before looping her arm in mine

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"Hey, how're you doing?" Veronica asks as she appears by my side before looping her arm in mine

"I'm good. Sorry I couldn't make it last night." I say with a small smile

"Don't worry about it." She says

"I'm sorry about you and Jug." She says softly

"I'm not. Him and Betty are so obviously meant to be together." I say with a smile as we reach the student lounge

"Okay, stop. Spill." Veronica says as she steps in front of my path causing me to come to a stop

"Spill what?" I ask with a mischievous grin

"You know what." She says with a big smile

"Oh, my god. There's someone else!" She shrieks as Archie enters the lounge with Betty

"Text?" She whispers as she pulls her phone out and I nod my head vigorously before we both plop down on opposite ends of the couch

"Text?" She whispers as she pulls her phone out and I nod my head vigorously before we both plop down on opposite ends of the couch

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"Are you texting each other?" Archie asks with a small laugh

"I'm getting major information, Archie, shush." Veronica says with a big smile

"What kind of information?" Archie asks with a curious smile before Veronica locks eyes with him

"V, no." I say with a small laugh

"It's not even official official yet." I say with a nervous smile as I think of Sweet Pea and I's quick kiss last night

"Fine, all I'll say is there's someone new--er-- old in her life." Veronica says causing Archie and Betty

"What? Who?" Archie asks with a small laugh

"Fine...It's Sweet Pea." I say with a warm smile

"You couldn't find someone who wasn't a serpent?" Archie asks

"Nope, sure couldn't." I say with a smirk as I shrug my shoulders before opening instagram on my phone and posting a picture before the likes and comments begin flooding in

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