Normal Regular Teenagers

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Camryn's POV

I hand Ryder another french fry before taking a sip from my milkshake

"So, prom's coming up. Do you--" I start

"Uh-uh, stop it. You are not allowed to ask me. Just be patient." Pea says cutting me off with a smile

"Everybody on the ground, right now!" A familiar voice shouts before I see three people in Gargoyle masks with guns walk in

Pea pulls Ryder out of the high chair and I just sit there frozen

"Get down!" The familiar voice shouts before Pea pulls me out of the booth and into the floor before I'm thrown back into the morning I was shot


"Where's the safe, old man?" The man yells

'Hide' Archie mouths to me and I shake my head no as we both slowly step out of the bathrooms were in

"There ain't no safe." We hear pop say

"Show me where the safe is!" The man yells again as I grip Archie's hand as we poke our heads around the corner

We see a man standing on the counter pointing a gun at pop's head

Archie and I both look over at dad who shakes his head at us as he gets up

All I can hear now is my heart. Its beating really fast as the man gets off the counter and points the gun at my dad

"Give me your wallet!" I hear the man say but its muffled as I can still only hear my heart beat

I let go of Archie's hand

Archie tries to grab a hold of me as I step into view

"I'm home." I whisper once more before stepping in front of my dad

-Flashback Over-

I'm brought back to reality by the sound of a gunshot and I begin trembling before I see one of the masked people pull off their masks revealing Jughead

"Pop! Pops, don't! This isn't what you think!" Jughead exclaims as I begin hyperventilating and the only thing I can hear is the sound of my heartbeat just like the day I was shot

I see Jughead and the other person I can only assume is Gladys run out of the diner leaving the other who just pulled up his mask revealing that it's FP

Pea pulls me up from the ground as he holds onto Ryder who's screaming but I still only hear my heartbeat

"Camryn." Pea says but it sounds as if he's a million miles away

"Cam!" He shouts as I continue to hyperventilate before Josie hurries over and takes Ryder from Pea

"Hey! Hey, look at me!" Pea shouts as he grips my face in his hands and I look at him

"You're okay, you are here with me. You're okay." Pea says as I can finally hear him normally again and I can hear Ryder screaming and Josie trying to calm him down

"You hear me?" Pea asks and I nod my head in response

"You're okay. Say it." Pea says as my breathing slows

"I'm okay." I whisper

"I'm okay." I repeat a little louder before Pea helps me up from the floor

"Here." I say as I take Ryder

"Shhh...shhh." I say as I bounce him in my arms

"Oh, god. LS, I'm so, so sorry." FP says as he lies on the floor bleeding and I pass Ryder to him before hurrying over to him

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