Senior Year!

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Camryn's POV

"Alright, I wanna make a toast." I say with a big smile as Toni, Kevin, Archie, Ronnie, Jug, Betty, Pea, and I gather in the living room

"As you guys know these past few weeks haven't been the easiest but I wanna thank all of you for sticking by my side and never letting me be alone. I wanna thank all of you for picking up my slack and helping with Ry. You all have made this so much easier. Thank you guys for being my family." I say with a warm smile

"To our little family and the last day of summer." I say with a big smile before we all raise our glasses

"Cheers." We all say as we clink out glasses together

"Cam and I also have an announcement to make." Pea says as he steps over to my side and everyone returns their attention to us

"I don't think we can keep this a secret much longer." Pea adds with a big smile

"Archie knows already." I say with cheesy grin

"I'm special." Archie says with a big smile

"Tell us already!" Toni exclaims

"The morning after the funeral, I took five pregnancy tests and they were all positive." I say with a warm smile

"Baby Murphy number two!" Pea shouts and everyone cheers before engulfing us in a group hug

"I didn't think we could keep it a secret much longer considering I'm way bigger than I was when I was eleven weeks with Ryder." I say as everyone releases us and I pull up Pea's shirt that I'm wearing to reveal my baby bump

"You're tellin me you're only eleven weeks? Are you having twins?" Jug asks

"No. The ultrasound proved that." I say as Pea grabs the ultrasound pictures off the counter

"Who's ready for their first round of ultrasound pictures?" I ask before Pea passes them out

"Jug still has all of Ryder's hanging up on the wall in my old bedroom." Betty says with a smile

"This was fun guys but we should head out." Archie says

"Yes, it was fun. Congrats, you two." Ronnie says before pecking my cheek

"I love you. Thanks for making me an auntie again." Betty says as she gives me a quick hug

"And me an uncle again." Jug says as he gives me a quick hug before he, Archie, Betty, and Ronnie exit the house

"You guys are welcome to stay if you want. The couch pulls out into a bed, the other couch is pretty comfy, and theirs also Fangs' bed." I say

"Wow. I don't like the fact that we're starting our senior year without him." I say with a sad smile

-The Next Morning-

My eyes flutter open and I see the clock on the nightstand says '7:36 AM'

"Shit! Shit!" I shout as I jump out of bed

"Pea, wake up! It's almost seven-forty!" I exclaim before he shoots up out of bed and I hurry into the living room where Toni is asleep on the pullout couch

"T, wake up! We're gonna be late!" I shout before hurrying into Fangs' room

"Kev, get up!" I shout as I leap onto the bed and I land on top of him

"Good morning to you, too." Kev says groggily as he rubs the sleep from his eyes

"Get up! We're gonna be late for our first day of senior year!" I exclaim before standing up on the bed

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