Gargoyle King

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Camryn's POV

*5 Weeks Later*

Pea pins me against my locker before attaching his lips to mine

"Sweet Pea, Camryn, break it up." Moose says as Pea pulls away from me and my eyes fall on Moose and Kev in their RROTC uniforms

"Politely, piss off, Moose." I say

"It's one of the new school rules, Cam, all physical contact must be kept to a minimum." Kev says

"Well, that doesn't make any sense. There haven't been any seizures for weeks, and everything tested has come back negative." I state

"The RROTC doesn't make the rules, Cam." Moose says

"You see this, boys?" I ask as I show them my rings

"That says I can kiss him wherever and whennever I want. Hell, I could screw him in the middle of the hallway if I wanted." I say with a smirk before they walk away from us

"That was hot." Pea says before returning his lips to mine

-Later That Afternoon-

"Alright, Serpents, it's come to my attention that one of us has been dealing Fizzle Rocks. Slinging dope is not what Serpents do. So from this moment on, we're going clean. There'll be no selling or doing drugs. No crime of any kind will be tolerated. Anyone that breaks the Serpent code will be exiled. Permanently." Jug says

"I think it's pretty ridic that you vanish for a month on some vision quest with your bestie, only to return and lecture us about responsibility." Cheryl says

"We got no money coming in, Jug. I mean, how are we supposed to eat, survive?" Fangs asks

"We'll figure it out and get back to you, Fangs. All of you. In the meantime, 'In unity, there is strength.'" FP says as he raises his fingers

"In unity, there is strength." We all say

-The Next Evening-

"Serpents, earlier today, I brokered a deal. I got us a paid gig. From here on out, we'll be working security detail for Veronica Lodge, her speakeasy and her employees." Jug says causing us all to cheer and clap

"Long live the Serpents! Whoo!" Pea shouts

"Whoo!" I shout with a big smile

"Settle down. I know it's good news for a change, but I've also gathered us here for less celebratory reasons." Jug says

"Cheryl, Toni, come up here." He adds

"Excuse me? What did we do?" Cheryl asks

"You broke into the Lodge apartment and stole a Glamourge egg." Jug says causing Cheryl to stand up from her seat beside Toni

"So what if we did?" Cheryl asks as Toni stands up too

"Well, more than that, you left your calling card, attaching yourself, and by extension, all of the Serpents to your crime." Jug says

"I'm not afraid of Lodge. What's he gonna do, call the sheriff? Oh, right, there is no sheriff." Cheryl says

"Cheryl, that's not the point. You broke the code. Turn in your jackets and go." Jug says

"Are you serious, Jones? I'm a Serpent by blood. You can't take that away from me." Toni says

"You hypocrite. You give your drug dealing buddy Fangs a pass but you crucify us?" Cheryl asks as I see Fangs put his head in his hands

"And in case you were wondering how we know, Fangs told Sweet Pea, who told me." Toni says

"Who told me." Cheryl says before I stand up on my tippy toes and slap Pea in the back of the head

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