The last dad she has

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Camryn's POV

"This was nice. We never get to go on dates anymore." Pea says as we stand up from out booth at Pop's

"It was nice." I say before pecking his lip before I see Archie and FP stand up from a booth on the other side of the diner

I see a masked man walk into Pop's before aiming a gun at FP and shooting

"FP!" I shout as everyone screams and the shooter runs out of Pop's as I hurry over to FP

"Ah!" FP groans in pain

"FP." I say as I climb into the booth and apply pressure to his gunshot wound as the tears well in my eyes

"I'm not dying, Kid. I promise. I made you a promise that you wouldn't lose another dad and I intend to keep it." FP says as I sniffle and tears fall from my eyes

*2 Hours Later*

I pace the waiting room as we wait for news on FP

"Camryn. Is your name Camryn?" A nurse asks

"Yeah, that's me. Your father's awake and asking to see you." She says before leading me to his room

"He's right in there." She says as we stop in front of a door and she disappears down the hall

I turn the handle before pushing the door open and my eyes fall on FP sitting up in his hospital bed and his head turns to me and we lock eyes

"Come here." He says as he waves me over and I walk over to him slowly

"I'm okay." He says softly as tears fall from my eyes

"Cam." He says softly as he grabs my hand

"I'm fine." He says as I sob before he pulls me into his embrace

"I'm sorry I scared you." He whispers before pecking the top of my head

"Your old man woulda killed me if I died. He woulda said 'How could you be so careless, FP? Your the last dad my little girl had left.' And then he prolly woulda kicked my ass." FP says causing me to let out a laugh

"It's not funny." I say as he releases me and I wipe my tears away

"It was a little funny." He says with a smile

"Okay, it was a little funny. And true." I say

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