Tall Boy

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Camryn's POV

"Explain it to me one more time." FP says as I bounce Ryder in my arms

"We drove him to the bus station at gunpoint and got him on a bus outta town." Jug lies

"He murdered Joaquin! And you thought putting him on a bus was enough punishment? I don't buy it." FP says

"Look, I made a decision. I'm sorry that you don't agree with that, but he's gone." Jug says as Fangs shifts nervously

"I'm gonna pretend like I believe you idiots for now." FP says as he grabs his hat from the table

"I've got my hands full finding Hiram's would be assassin. Next time you see me, have a better story." FP says before walking to the ladder and I glance at Tall Boy's body under the bed

"I'm getting our son as far away from that body as possible." I whisper as I walk towards the ladder

-The Next Afternoon-

"Sweet Pea, Cam, Fangs, why'd you guys bring me down here? You know I'm on a case." Jug says

"I heard the Gargoyle Gang is riled up. They're looking for Tall Boy. And as long as his body's down here, it's a ticking time bomb!" Fangs exclaims

"Yeah, well, it's too hot to move him right now." Jug says causing Pea and I to sigh

"Hey! Let's not lose our heads, okay? Fangs, I need you to stay here with Tall Boy, and I need you to lock this place up. I'm serious. Sweet Pea, Cam, you guys need to tail someone for me." Jug says

"Who?" I ask

"Hermione Lodge." He replies

-Later That Night-

Pea calls Jug and puts it on speaker phone

"Yeah?" Jug asks

"We followed Hermione Lodge like you asked." Pea says

"You better get out here, Jug." I say

*20 Minutes Later*

"Stay down and keep quiet." Pea whispers as we crouch down by the window of the cabin and I see Hermione push Sheriff Minetta onto the bed before climbing into his lap

"Is that...that can't be...Sheriff Minetta's alive?" Jug asks quietly and Pea and I nod our heads in response

"I thought he was decapitated." Jug says

"No. From the sounds of it, he and Hermione Lodge have been having an affair for months." Pea whispers

"Wait, listen." Jug whispers

"There's too many people asking questions, which means our little outstanding problem, you need to take care of tonight. I've cleared the decks. And use your old Sheriff's gun. Then all signs will point to FP." Hermione says to Minetta

"They're talking about framing my dad." Jug whispers

"For what?" I ask

"I'll have to figure it out and warn him." Jug whispers before hurrying away from us

-The Next Morning-

"Camryn, get out here!" Fangs shouts from the living room before I pick Ryder up from the changing table and walk out of his room

"What is it?" I ask as I walk into the living room where my eyes fall on Pea and Fangs before they move aside and my eyes fall on the TV where I see FP in his Sheriff's uniform

"We have caught the man that shot Hiram Lodge. His name is Gerald Petite also known as Tall Boy. I went to arrest Mr. Petite and he ensued a fire fight leaving me to unload my gun on him. Unfortunately Mr. Petite died en route to the hospital." FP says before Pea turns off the TV

"Well, that handles that." I say with a small laugh

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