Chapter 21

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|Chapter 21|

"You are so stupid."

"How am I stupid?"

"You just are."

"Give me one good reason why!"

"You're favorite movie is actually not Bend It Like Beckham, but The Blind Side," I tell him, flopping down on my bed and letting my legs hang off, "I mean, I get it, Sandra Bullock totally rocks the white southern lady, but c'mon, did you see that coach in Bend It Like Beckham? Capital H-O-T, hot."

We've been talking for over two hours now, and I don't want to stop. I've learned too much about Liam to quit now. Some of thing's that I've learned will probably never matter, and others are essential for this thing to work.

Liam's favorite color is indigo, because it reminds him of his sister who is away right now at college. Her name is Cassandra, and they've always been extremely close. They used to make race tracks together when they were younger, which confidently led to her deciding to become an engineer.

He prefers stripes over polka dots, cats to dogs, and his favorite food is a cheeseburgers.

His favorite band is The Ramones, and he doesn't have a lot of time to watch TV, but when he does, it's almost always sports or Key and Peele.

His favorite song is actually not by The Ramones, but it's by The Beatles, and it's called In My Life. He doesn't know a lot about cars, and instead spends a lot of time with shoes, specifically cleats, when he works at Modells part time, which is mostly on the weekends.

I'm brought back to reality when he laughs again, and I smile, relishing in the fact that I can make him laugh, "The Blind Side is a perfectly good movie! How can you not like it?" He asks, disbelief evident in his voice.

"I'm not sure, but Bend It Like Beckham just holds a special place in my heart," I gush, "What else do you like?"

"I don't know, I like too many movies," He admits, and I smile again.

"What about Gladiator?" I suggest, "I heard a lot of people like it."

"You've never seen Gladiator?" Liam gasps, the sound coming through statically from the phone.

"No, never," I say, giggling at his antics.

"How is this even possible? It's a classic! The next time I'm over at your house we must—" He stops, "Wait, did you just giggle?"


Liam laughs, "You did!"

"What? No!" I deny, my eyes going wide.

"You so did!" He basically squeals, and I groan.

Why am I the adult in this relationship?


"No, I so didn't!" I mimic his voice.

"I heard it, and I have hearing like a bat, and lightning fast reflexes like a puma," Liam exclaims, and I scrunch up my face.

"You are so weird."

Liam laughs again at my denial, and there's a silence as I calm down.

"Cool your jets, hot shot. It's just nice to know I'm dating a girl once in a while," Liam jokes, but it hits hard.

I guess I'm not as invincible as I want to be.

"Whats that supposed to mean? Would you rather be dating someone more feminine?" I ask quietly, half angry at him for saying that, and half angry at myself for not being what he wants.

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