Chapter 4

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|Chapter 4|
(FYI it does get better the first five chapters are just unedited so...)

I ride to school on my skateboard, the wind whipping around my face. I'm about to get into the school, when I hear someone call my name.

"Hey Johnson!" I turn around and grin at my best friend, Will Reynolds.

We've known each other since we were around three, always messing around. Ours mom met at daycare, and the minute that they found out they were in the same cooking class they were insuperable. So are Will and I. He plays right striker on the school soccer team, and always starts.

With his shaggy brown hair, bright hazel eyes, and a typical athletes body. He is cocky as fuck. He has defined cheek bones, and a strong jaw line. Will, as much as I love him, can be extremely aggravating and an egotistical son of a bitch.

I honestly don't really give a crap what he looks like as long as Will's there for me when I need him, and continues to be his funny, charming, trustworthy self, then I don't see any need to actually give a shit about his face.

Will works out almost every day with me, me being on the treadmill and him lifting weights. It might be hard labor, but Will makes it fun. And there are always other soccer and different sports players at the gym with Will and I that accept me and mess around too.

"What's up dude?" I call. He slings his right arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side as begins to lead me back to my original destination, school. I put my skateboard under my right arm.

"Nothing really. Missed you at White's," Will says, nodding his head to a couple of guys that we pass along the way.

Nathan White is the goalie of our team, and it's normal for the majority of the team to head over to his house and hangout there after practice. He kinda hates it though, considering we always end up trashing his place.

"Willy!" Gavin, a jock, comes up and fists bumps Will, giving me a high five when he spots me.

I turn and look up at him, "Sorry, I had to start my Social Studies essay," I tell him. He stops and turns to look at me incredulously.

"What?" I ask, raising my eye brows. Will face palms himself, dramatically dragging his hand down for effect.

"You started that thing? It's due in, like, two months! Why would you start that?" He stares at me. I just shrug.

"I don't know, I just wanted it to be done," He still just stares at me.

"Then do it over the weekend!" He laughs, rolling his eyes as he looks at me, "You are the nerdiest jock I have ever met."

We get a few curious stares from passing students, but Will just glares them away. He's pretty damn intimidating when he wants to be, but around me and my family, he's just a huge teddy bear.

"Believe it or not, I do have a life outside of soccer, which means that I have stuff to do! So no free time for Danny," I sigh out, looking defeated.

"Well..." Will begins, trying to find words of encouragement, but failing.

"Yeah." I finish for him.

"It sucks to be you," Will exclaims, messing up my hair.

"God you're such a pest," I complain smiling as he cracks a wide grin and I match his. We arrive at my locker and I open it, shoving my board in and grabbing my books.

"Well I gotta get going," Will pats me on the back, and I turn my head, raising my hand.

"Cool," Give him a high five, Will takes off to his next class.

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