Chapter 1

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|Chapter 1|

We'll steal her Lexus be detectives
Ride around picking up clues
We'll name our children Jackie and Wilson raise 'em on rhythm and blues.

"Ash, turn if off!" I hear a voice scream. I groan, and turn the music up louder.

"Ash, I know your up!" Mom shouts up at me from the kitchen.

"What? I can't hear you!" I shout, snickering into my comforter. There is an audible sigh before someone pounds their feet up the steps and stops in front if my room.

"Turn it off now and come down stairs for breakfast or else I'll come in there and get you," I hear my dad threaten.

That gets me off my bed.

"I'll be out in a second," I yell at him. I hear some more shuffling until I let out a breath and push back the blankets on my bed.

I turn off my radio and stroll into the bathroom, going over to the mirror.

Stupid school. How dare it exist? And starting on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Why Tuesday? Why not never? I think bitterly to myself.

My feet touch the cold tiles that run along the bathroom floor, and I feel tingles run up and down my body.

I step in front of the mirror and grab a brush. Running it through my just-below-the-shoulder length hair, I then set it down before putting in my contacts. I quickly brush my teeth to get rid of my horrible morning breath and give my mirror image a weak smile before turning around.

Running into my room, I pull open my shirt drawer, slip on a black Wayland Varsity shirt, and then some grey sweats from my pants drawer before I grab my phone and bound down the steps. Shoving my feet into my black sambas, I pull my hair into a messy bun. I take my black Adidas jacket and back pack, while calling out to my family, "I'm going now! See you in a few!"

I close the door, grab my skateboard, and begin my long ride to school.

Today's gonna be the start to a great year, I can feel it.


I go to the my locker and put my books, backpack, and board away before walking down the hallway to my first class. Arriving at first period, AP English, I sit down in the back near the window, and try to avoid any contact with anyone.

It's just too early for social contact.

I leave a seat behind me, knowing who will take it when they fianlly get their sorry butt to class. Eventually, Harper comes bustling in and sits directly behind me, shocker, in the seat I saved for her.

"Hey Ash!" She exclaims, giving me a warm smile and starts waving at me.

"Hay is for horses," I salute to her, and she rolls her eyes.

Harper is around 5' 6" and has long brown hair. Her hair, more like a mane, is very wavy and she has chocolate brown eyes to compliment her face. Harper is a little on the heavy side, but it's never been that bad. She has moderate acne and always tries her hardest to cover it up. Harper is very girly, and obsessed with most 'in' TV shows, and books. To put it nicely, she is the complete and utter opposite of me. You can take it from what she's wearing, too.

She has on a purple scoop neck top with back fitted jeans, along with some brown riding boots. She is wearing a silver necklace along with some tiny studs. Harper has on some eye-liner and mascara. Harper has her hair down in some sort of a complicated braid that probably took her an hour to do.

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