Chapter 26

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|Chapter 26|

I go into school the next day out for blood. Harper had heard what happened with Bryn and I through the grape vine. Also, there was really no one who hadn't heard about how I allegedly attacked Bryn.

Being the kind and considerate person she is, Harper came over with ice cream and told me how I was incredibly wrong. Turns out that Bryn was trying to find out if Will was fooling around with anyone one day, went out to stalk them, how normal of her, right?, and then managed to spot Liam and I together. We were holding hands.

Ironic how stuff works out. Wasn't looking to be seen, but it happened anyway.

I get that she found us out, I just can't understand why she would lie about going with Liam. That's what really bothers me. The why.

Bryn is exactly where she was yesterday, stopped outside her locker with her usual posse surrounding her. They are all fawning over her, and I just can't fathom ever being in the position of one of her minions. I mean, never being able to say anything and always having to agree with one person so that you seem like some mindless idiot gets dull after a while.

Not to sound like every other person out there, but I'm gonna be myself and I don't need Bryn to get in the way of that. That is, if I don't do that myself.

I come to a stop right next to her, crossing my arms and making my presence known. Bryn takes her time to acknowledge me, looking at her nails and saying a few bitchy things before turning and facing me.

"Was it your master plan all along to pin me against Liam, or was this just an extra win?"

Bryn rolls her eyes and pulls out a foundation container, beginning to fix her face, "What? Ash I don't have time for your shit this morning. I think I might have just gotten my first wrinkle."

"Bryn, you selfish piece of shit, listen to me and listen good," I hiss, low enough so that other people don't catch my cursing but loud enough so that she turns to me and gives me a glare.

"What?" She sneers, pulling at the skin around her eyes.

"Did you, or did you not go investigating Will and found out about my relationship with Liam?" I ask her, more like demand her.

Bryn closes her compact and looks at me innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I roll my eyes, leaning against the locker besides hers, "C'mon Bryn, don't feed me that crap."

After checking her reflection one last time in her locker mirror, which was also conveniently open, she slams it shut and struts off.

"I still don't know what you mean."

"Fine? Wanna play it the hard way?" I call after her, "Cause I'm sure that's what Francis Miller would want."

Bryn stops. Turns.

"Where in the hell did you learn that information?" She flips her hair while she spins around and struts back to me.

"Ah ah ah, now that I'm in control, I'll be asking the questions." I smirk at her, popping my hip and looking at her.

Bryn looks like she's about to pop off on me, but she taking a deep breath and rubs her eyes, "Fine. Fine, fine fine. Whatever." I smile, and Bryn glares. "Well, are you gonna threaten me for information now or what?"

"Oh yes, that. Well, a little birdie just so happened to mention to me about our junior prom. Oh yes, junior prom. Remember? That time when you cheated on your faithful boyfriend, Will, and it was just so you could lose your v-card to Francis Millsr in the Chipotle public bathroom? Hmmm, wouldn't want that getting out, now would we?" I question, watching her face drop into a panic.

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