Chapter 17

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|Chapter 17|

Today is the night of the infamous Wayland Football Scramble. Basically, the football team and anyone else who feels like being an idiot goes out onto the field and plays a mock football game. Normally it rains and everyone gets muddy on the field while they can barely pass the football or block a tackle. It's this huge deal that no one really cares about, they just like the social mingling that comes along with it.

The Scramble was started in 1953, and apparently is super important to our town history. You can tell, because even though you're told that it starts at 7:00, it really starts at 7:20 after our Mayor finishes his long ass speech about our history.

I am meeting Harper there with the guys and a certain someone.

All I have to do is leave my room. Which, admittedly, has been proving to be quite difficult.

"I swear to god, if you don't get your lazy ass into overdrive and get out of your fucking room I will leave you here to drive yourself to the game!" Spencer exclaims from the bottom floor.

I sigh, shifting on my comforter, "Just let me finish this match!"

I quickly score a goal, and then exit out of FIFA, leaving the iPad on my bed. I shuffle into some jeans, and tug my Wayland sweatshirt above my head. I tie my hair up into a pony tail, before rushing down the steps.

"You're late," Spencer states flatly, pulling open the door and waltzing out to the car.

"No shit." I roll my eyes, tugging on my sneakers and then following him out.

I struggle to keep up, continuously trying to tug the bottom of my right shoe up over my heel. Spencer looks at me furiously.

"Hurry up!"

"I am!" I shout back, "Mother fucking shoe." I mutter, grumbling to myself as some wisps of my hair fan around my face, "Just...go...on. There! I got it!"

I sprint off the sidewalk and toward the pavement. I breathlessly tear open the door to shot gun, and slip in. Spencer shakes his head, and I look at him weirdly.

"What?" I ask, sliding into a more comfortable position.

"Someone else is gonna sit there," Spencer informs me, and I simply scoff, looking at him like he's crazy.

Snorting, I buckle in the seat belt, "Yeah, right."

"No!" Spencer defends. "There really is someone."

"Who? Rich?" I retort.

"Nuh uh, someone else," Spencer responds cockily.

"And who might that be?" I probe, turning my body towards him defiantly. I watch him narrow his eyes as he mimics my movements.

"Laura," He returns snappily.

"Laura?" I sputter, "Who the hell is Laura?"

Spencer smiles slyly, "My girlfriend."

"You don't get girlfriends." I exclaim, reaching forward and hitting the radio. Some random song comes blasting through, and I quickly move to turn it down.

"I do too!" Spencer huffs, glaring at me.

"Nice try, Spence." I look at him expectantly. "Start the car."

He sighs, "Fine."

Spencer starts the car, backing out of the driveway and turning in the exact opposite way to the school. I wait a little bit to see if he has some brilliant short cut that he had yet to reveal, but there's nothing. He just keeps going.

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