Chapter 13

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|Chapter 13|

The weekend flew by way too quickly for my liking, and it was already Monday.

I hate Monday's. I feel like Garfield and I would have a lot in common.

I run a brush through my hair, and flip my head over to pull my hair up into a ponytail. I gather the strands and begin to guide it through a rubber band when I hear some feverish knocking on the door.

"Get out of the bathroom!" Spencer yells at me, though it's muffled through the door.

"Why should I?" I shout back, burrying my head even further into the sheets.


"Because what?"

"Because I said so!"

"Try again! Only mom can do that!"

"Because," Spencer begins, "if you don't, I will go into your room and mess it up!"

"Fine!" I hiss, pulling open the door and stalking past Spencer.

I walk back into my bedroom, and strip. Slipping to the back near my dresser, I change into some grey sweat pants and a travel soccer shirt, before heading down stairs.

I go into the kitchen and grab my bowl, pooring some cereal and then milk into it. I eat my breakfast, grab my phone, backpack, and coat, then board off to school.

The early bell chimes as I slow to a stop in front of the school, making pick up my board and rushing up the steps. Running through the hall, people clear a path for me. I make it all the way to English without any interuptions, but as I'm opening the door someone puts their hand over my eyes.

They are soft and warm, and aggravate my contacts. I shut my eyes to make them feel better, and think about the one person that would do this to me. Obviously, a certain blonde haired nuisance came to mind.

"Guess who?" A deep voice whispers in my ear, sending little tingles down my spine.

"Hmmm, could it be a jackass?" I joke, quickly removing the hands and turning around to find a scowling Liam. His frown pulls down on his face so heavily that his eye brows are basically at his nose.

I laugh at his expression and open the hard door to go inside to English. I hear Liam grumbling about what I said to him behind me. "Oh, suck it up!"

"I will," He wiggles his eye brows at me and I gag, sliding into my seat with my arms crossed.

"Never say something like that again," I shiver, "ever."

"What? You know you love it," Liam slides a hand across the table and starts twiddling with a strand of hair that has fallen out of my ponytail. His eyes steam into mine and I widen mine, ignoring the shocks from his hand.

I casually slide away from him just as Ms. Wong enters, "No, I don't."

Liam chuckles and whispers under his breath, "You should see your face right now."

"I'd rather not," I say, turning to the teacher.

He laughs again, "But you look so adorable!"

I feel my heart rate pick up when I feel his eyes on me. I glance down and feel a strand of hair cover my eye, and I try and hide my blush.

"Only you would think that," I mutter, rolling my eyes, trying to hide the flush.

"Well—yeah, true," Liam agress nodding his head, "But what about—"

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