Chapter 16

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|Chapter 16|

Everything is all blending together into a sort of a pattern, the days just flying by. Before I know it, it's already next Monday. Surprisingly enough, note the sarcasm, I still hate Mondays.

I've been avoiding Liam like the plague, but we can sometimes manage to have civil conversation. It's just a bit awkward.

Okay—scratch that, a lot awkward.

"Ash! C'mon already!" Will yells at me from the archway at the entrance of the school.

I glare at him as I skate forward, purposely going a bit slower, "Don't get your panties in a wad!"

"You leave my panties out of it," Will jokes, laughing. He begins to walk towards me with messy hair, jeans, and a blue t-shirt.

I decide to mess with him, and stop dramatically in the middle of my ride, "Wait. Stop the presses." I kick my board up into my arms, "You wear panties?"

"No," Will rolls his eyes, "I was just going for the funny!"

"What the hell does 'going for the funny' even mean?" I ask him incredulously.

"It's an expression," He sighs as he takes my skateboard for me while I shrug off my coat, "I was trying to make a joke!" He defends, giving my board back to me and running a hand through his hair.

"Why didn't you just say that?" I look at him, and then grab my jacket and walk to my locker.

"Because it's a cool phrase," Will goes on, "I mean, I thought it sounded great. You just don't understand my genius, and I don't get it. We have been BFFL's for the longest time, and yet you-"

"Please don't tell me that you just used the phrase 'BFFL' when descirbing this friendship we have here," I exclaim, gesturing between us.

We reach my locker, and while scrolling in my combination, Will leans against the locker next to mine.

"So what if I did? Whatcha gonna do about? Punch me?" Will raises his eyebrows, and I just roll my eyes.

"Will, are you gay?" I ask, grabbing my English notebook and sliding it into my bag.

Will sputters and shakes, his eyes wide as saucers, "What the hell, Ash? I am not gay!"

I bust out laughing at his reaction, before slamming my locker and heading to my first class.

"Just making sure," I put my hands up as a sign of surrender, and then turn and start going to English.

"You are not getting away with this," Will shouts after me, causing a few people to stare.

"I'm getting away as we speak," I laugh out, turning around and staring at his flustered expression. Will may be in touch with his feminine side, but he doesn't want anyone to know that.

"We'll see," Will narrows his eyes, "There's still the game."

"Oh, big bad Will is gonna come after me! Help me! Help me!" I mock in a ridiculously high-pitched voice.

"Don't worry, Princess," A deep voice resounds behind me, "I'll save you."

I turn around and give Liam a flat look, "Oh really?"


"You and what army?" I smirk.

Liam gives me a grin, "Just me, sweetheart."

"And since when am I princess?"

"Since always."

He walks forward, going shoulder to shoulder with me, well, more like my shoulder to his chest since he's so tall, making my shoulder tingle, and yells to Will, "Don't worry man, I got this!"

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