Chapter 27

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|Chapter 27|

It's the last day. The last day.

Dammit, I didn't think I'd care this much.

No more high school. Occidental here I come. And Liam with UCLA. It's only a thirty minute drive.

This year has been so insane, and so ridiculous, I know it's the appropriate way to end my high school life. I'm done with my adolescence. It seems like everything is finally falling into place, and I couldn't be happier.

I walk over to my closet to decide what to wear, and my eyes fall on a light blue dress my mom got for me last year. It's beautiful, to say the least, I've just never had the courage to wear it. Taking a deep breath, I grab it and quickly pull it on before I can second guess myself.

I go into the bathroom and I pull my hair into a side braid, then slip on my contacts. Staring into the mirror, I feel myself smile, I see myself smile, and I truly like my smile.

Today is going to be a great day. I can feel it.

I bound down the steps to the front door, grabbing my bag and some converse and sliding out the door. I meet Liam at his car, and I see him lean against it.

He looks, well, he looks like Liam. He has his hair pushed back from his eyes and they're sparkling, as per usual. He's wearing a simple blue button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and some khaki shorts. Liam smiles when he sees me, and I can't help but return it.

"You look beautiful," Liam exclaims when I reach him. I kiss him on the cheek and his smile deepens, before a look of worry crosses over. "I mean, not that you don't always look beautiful, it's just that today you happen to look exceptionally pretty and I just-"

I laugh lightly, cutting him off to save the embarrassment, "Thanks. I don't know, I-I just felt like I could finally do it."

"Do what?" He questions, walking with me over to the passenger side door.

"Wear a dress, and feel okay in it," I tell him, smiling surely.

"I never knew you felt this way," Liam admits, opening up the door and helping me in. He stays there, leaning against the side of the car with his hand on the door.

"I know, most people don't. But there's always been a reason that's held me back from dressing like all the other girls. And it was never that I wanted to make a statement, it was never that I thought it was sexist that girls had to dress a certain way to be considered a real lady. I guess, that might have been part of it. That was really just what I used as my excuse so that I didn't feel pathetic when I thought about the real reason."

I sigh, and I look at him from underneath my lashes, seeing his concerned face, and I know I feel safe. "I've never," I stop, letting out a breath, "I've never really felt completely okay in my own body." I sigh... Rubbing my thigh and muttering, "God why am I talking?"

"Ashlynn, please," Liam says.

I sigh, getting some courage, "Well, what I was saying is that now I finally do, so I can't help but flaunt it cause I'm totally amazing," I grin, and Liam looks at me, dazed.

"Wow," Liam breaths, his smile stretching wide. "You managed to turn something completely heartfelt into an egotistical speech of self proclaimed awesomeness."

I flatten my lips and narrow my eyes, "And?"

"I want you to know that you're an fabulous person." Liam finishes, smiling.

I blush, and he cups my cheek tenderly, "Thank you, you're something spectacular all by yourself."

Liam smiles again and closes the door, quickly walking over to his side of the car. He gets in fast, and turns on the engine. I feel him lace our hands together, and I think that now I finally know what it's like to feel forever.

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