Chapter 19

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|Chapter 19|

"Well, I'm all alone. Ruined shoes, soaked dress, bad night, and now broken best friend, how could this night get any worse?" I say to myself, shoving my shoe into the ground, scuffing up the toe a bit.

I sigh and get up, ready to walk back home and wallow in self pity.

That was until I heard worse.


"God, could you have worse timing?"

"What?" Liam asks, comes to a stop a few feet from me.

I take in his appearance.

He's clearly been running, as his shoes are rotten, and the bottom of his pants look horrid. Other than that, he was probably the handsomest guy there. Windswept hair, big eyes, fitted dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, the whole ordeal.

There's a long pause.

I just stare at him for a while, trying to get myself to speak. I can't get my emotions in check. I don't know how to phase what I'm feeling properly.

My voice is scratchy when I do, but at least I tried.

"Why did—how could you do that to Harper?" I whisper, crossing my arms and rubbing them.

A chill rolls over me. Just another example to tack onto this nights list of shitty experiences.

Liam looks at my quizzically, but then it dawns on him, and his eyes widen before he starts, "Ash, I didn't know. Really, I didn't guess even it. I'm sorry if I hurt her, it's just that—"

"You know, for someone who constantly has people hitting on him, you're pretty fucking dense," I glare at him as I make my way past.

"I didn't know," Liam starts.

"You didn't know?" I spin around, "How in Gods name could you not have realized how much she liked you? Harper was so obvious about it, that she might as well have painted your name on her forehead! Why else would I have suddenly wanted to talk to you?"

Liam rubs his face, "I know how bad this looks."

I scoff, "Sure."

"But I honestly had no idea," Liam continues.

"Liam, please just leave me alone." I hold my hands up between us to put some distance, turning away.


Liam grabs my wrist.

"Let me go," I protest.

"Here me out," Liam begs.

"I don't want to." I bite back, and his face breaks a bit.

I feel myself tear at his expression, knowing this is hurting him just as much as it hurts me.

But he should have known. I should have known.

"I need you to," Liam barely getting out, his voice breaking at the end.

"Yeah? Well I never needed you! Harper needed you, and you were too blind to see it," I pull my hand out and try to jog away.

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