Chapter 11

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|Chapter 11|

Pulling the door open, I drop my skateboard and run forward to Pepper. I knot my fingers in her hair, and smile down at her.

"Hey girl!" I exclaim, rubbing her face. Pepper barks happily, and I grab her leash. I attach it to her collar before setting down my backpack and heading out the door, grabbing my board on the way out.

Pepper and I reach the park. Pepper drags me along, sniffing happily as she goes, peeing occasionally here and there. Pepper stops at a bench to paw at some helpless flowers.

I strain my neck looking for those familiar brown locks that I know.

It seems as though I'm developing a habit now, aren't I? Slowly get out of bed, suffer through AP English, have fun at lunch, suffer through all my other classes, have fun at practice, then go home, walk Pepper and look for Thomas. Wow, so predictable.

I hate being predictable. Darn.

"Ash!" I hear the deep vibrato that I have come to associate with Thomas, rumble behind me.

I turn around and stare at him, before grinning widely.

"How did it go at school today?" Thomas asks, wiggling his eye brows.

"It went great!" I grin mischievously at him before recounting what went on in school.

Parker arrived at my AP History class in an all-pink on outfit. He was clad in an oversized pink shirt, pink shorts, pink flip flops, and a pink backpack. Oh yeah, we went that far.

On top of all the pink, his normal gorgeous hair, was now a repulsive glowing purple. Everyone stared at him as he walked by and not in the way that he wanted them to. Parker scowled, and kicked at the floor.

When he gets to his seat just a few from mine, and messes up his hair with his hand, I can't help it. I burst into a fit of laughter.

Parker turns to see the source, and then his eyes widen. His mouths drops before he quickly gathers himself, and his eyes narrow.

"You!" He glares at me, and I wink at him and wave his way. "Ugh!"

I just grin deviously at his expression.

"I will get you back for this! No matter what!" He promises, before mussing his hair again, causing me to giggle.

"Wow. That is...hilarious!" Thomas exclaims, before he bursts out laughing.

"I know, right?" I agree, laughing as well.

I walk over to the swings and take a seat. Thomas stops laughing and glares at me.

"Oh, not this again," I say, exasperated, "Can't you just get over this stupid fear of swings?"

"It's not a fear, nor is it stupid! It's a strong hatred for sw—" Thomas begins to rant.

"Nor? Did you just say nor?" I start laughing again, eventually falling off the swing and onto the hard wood chips.

Thomas chuckles at this, "You fell!"

I rub my back and glare at him, dusting off some wood chips, "Nah, I just thought the ground needed a hug."

"No need to be a smart ass about it," Thomas complains.

"No need to be a baby about it," I mimic in Thomas's voice. It was such a fail.

We both burst into a fit of rambunctious laughter, that causes all the parents that walk by to question our sanity.

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