Chapter 5

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|Chapter 5|

I went to lunch with a relatively stupid smirk on my face. I may or may not have tripped Parker, accidentally of course, on the way out of AP English. Okay, you may think that I'm being a little childish, but in my defense he did accidentally spill his latte on my book. So yeah, when he was walking back to his desk in English I, totally innocently, just happened to stretch a bit in the cramped desk and whoosh! It just so happened to take out Parker with it. I swear, it had a mind of its own.

I get my lunch quickly, and see Will waving me over like a madman, looking like a complete idiot while doing it. I don't understand why people like him so much. He's basically a 6 foot 3 year old.

Now you may be wondering why I'm not sitting with Harper. I mean, wouldn't this mean she was alone at her lunch with no one else there? Yes, it would. And that's exactly what she wants. She brings a home packed lunch and goes to the library to read every day. Harper always says she's an 'independent girl', but the main reason is that Harper knows that she would have to sit with all the guys too, and she tends to clam up around them. It's not her fault. They can be a bit...over whelming at times.

I walk over to my table, and already see Justin, Gabe, Aidan, Will, and Chase. It's a big square table, all blue with multicolored chairs around it. The guys are scattered around the sides.

"Hey Ash!" Chase says, pulling out a chair for me. I gladly take it and plop right down next to Will.

"What's up you guys?" I ask. I take a huge bite of my sandwich, chewing loudly.

"Ash, you know I hate it when you chew so loudly," Will groans out, rubbing his temples.

I quickly swallow and smirk at him. "Why do you think I do it?" I smirk at his anger.

Will rolls his eyes at me. I take another huge bite out of my sandwich and chew even louder. Will narrows his eyes and darts between my sandwich and my mouth before heaving himself up. Will takes my sandwich and has a massive bite out of it, leaving a large dent of what it used to be.

"Hey you tool! I payed for that!" I shout at him. This time it's Will's turn to smirk. I growl at him, and he quickly wipes the smirk off of his face before I dive for my food.

Will dodges my claws and leaps away from me. Will runs around the table, his hands in front of him in ready position. My sandwich is poised in his right hand. At this point all the guys are watching and laughing as Will tries to avoid the inevitable.

"Dude, just give up. She's gonna kill you when she catches you," Aidan laughs out, grinning his head off at the event that is slowly unfolding in front of him.

"If she catches me," Will manages to get out while he dodges attack after attack from me.

"Don't you mean when?" I counter, making a jab for it. "Oh no you don't," I mutter. My eyes dart around the table and I see West coming over with a soda in his hands. I pluck it from his hands, throw it at Will's face and run around the table. I tackle Will to the ground, taking him down. I quickly snatch my sandwich back and stand up, wiping some dirt off of me.

"What the hell!" West exclaims, "Now I need to go get a new soda."

"Damn," Will goes up onto his elbows while on the floor, looking up at me, "I forogt how determined—"

"And violent," Justin adds from his seat at the table.

"—you can be," I offer my hand down to Will after setting down my food, and pull him up onto his feet.

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