Chapter 24

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|Chapter 24|

"Put your dish in the dish washer!"

"But Mom!" I complain, rolling over on the couch and pushing my face into the pillow.

"Now, Ashlynn!"


I stand up and trudge into the kitchen, dragging my feet along the way. I sigh tiredly, and finally reach the counter. I take my cereal bowl and put it in the dish washer, kicking the down closed.

"There!" I shout up to mom. "You happy?"


Sighing, I put a hand on my hip and go back out to the couch. As I'm about to plop back down, my phone starts buzzing.

Ugh. It's Harper.




I could picture her brow crinkle, "Why do you sound so sad?"

"I'm not sad, I'm tired."


"What is it Harper?"

"Well, I'm coming over."



"But I'm not ready yet," I complain, pouting.

"Well you should get ready soon, considering I'm outside your house, so..."

"Harper," I groan. "I haven't had my tea yet. I'm not alive."

"Sorry, not sorry." She giggles.

I roll my eyes, "Just come inside."

I fall down on the couch and lean back on the pillow. Putting a hand on my forehead, I close my eyes and hear the door open. Harpers feet walk along the ground, before I feel her sit down next to me. I peep open one eye and see Harper peering at me curiously.

"What?" I drawl slowly, leaning my head back on the couch.

"You look dead." She states flatly.

"No, really?" I ask sarcastically.

"Why are you so tired?" Harper probes, her eyes narrowing.

I pretend to think, "Hmmm, could it maybe be the fact that it's oh, I don't know, like eight in the morning!"

"Yeah? Well you're still up!" Harper defends, crossing her arms.

"I'm not up voluntarily." I kneed the bridge between my eyes.

"What do you mean?" Harpers questions, and I point to the door.

"Someone got hungry," I sigh.

"Pepper?" Harper asks, and I nod silently, rubbing my temples.

"She wouldn't shut the hell up." I answer sharply, groaning.

There's no response so I look at Harper and she stares at me. I give her a curious look and she raises an eye brow.

"Well?" She questions expectantly.

"Well, what?" I ask her, and she sighs.

"How did the date go?" She pesters, looking at me.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down at the rug, "Good."

"That's it?" Harper probes, narrowing her eyes are me.

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