Chapter 18

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|Chapter 18|

"Who even invented pep rallies?"

"You'll survive," Harper rolls her eyes.

A pair of symbols goes off loudly to the left of me, and I jump six inches in the air.

"Mother fucker!"

"I love pep rallies!"

It's the week of Homecoming, which is every bodies favorite week of the year. You'd think it was prom, but no it just has to be Homecoming. Everyday this week we got to miss a period of class, and then one more each day progressively until it got to Friday, where we had the whole day off. Friday is dedicated to different fun games that are scattered around in the classrooms in school. It's like a carnival, except with a lot more spandex, slutty girls, and stupid jocks.

Sadly though, all of the Varsity sports teams have to dress up on Friday in a theme, do a skit in front of the whole school, and then say a few words about their individual team that weekend.

The JV teams are lucky, they just get a shout out. I have to dress up like the Statue of Liberty.

You heard me.

The Statue of fucking Liberty.

Any guesses on the theme? Life, love, Liberty, and the right to bear arms, or America.

The guys dress up in plain white shirts, and these American flag themed board shorts they got online, with white ankle socks and America sunglasses. But don't worry, they didn't forget about their only girl, I got an upgrade and the privilege of being the Statue of Liberty.

Oh joy.

They got me a costume at party city with a green wrap dress, a green torch that lights up, a green book, and a green crown. I have to wear all that, and a smile.

In the morning we all watch a skit from the drama club in the auditorium, and then we head into the gym where all the people who aren't on a Varsity sport sit on the bleachers. Then, all the Varsity sports teams sit on the gym floor with their teams to form a semicircle around a mike set up in the center of the gym.

Right now the whole school is listening to tennis perform. I mindlessly follow the different skits until it is our turn. I sigh, getting help from Will to stand up before I slowly waddle my way to the center.

I walk up very slowly to the mike. I tap it, allowing it to make that cringe noise.

"This is a short skit that we prepared for you today in honor of Homecoming this weekend. I hope you like it. Go Wayland!"

I hear the music start up as the guys stand in a circle around me with their heads down. A terrible remix of God Bless America blasts through the speakers as the guys begin to sing along loudly, and salute their country.

The boys start to circle me in marching formation. Chase rolls his eyes when Liam starts to shake his hips as he walks, strutting like a model. Aidan sticks out his tongue.

Eventually Justin begins to twerk and that's when the team just loses it.

When the boys started to bow down to me, I face palm as the whole school laughs too. Once the song finishes, all the guys stand up quickly. They form a huddle around me so I'm in the center, their arms around their backs as they sway and chant.

It wasn't really a chant, it was more like loud grunting from the team.

After they finish the chant, Will comes forward and hugs me. I laugh and hug him too. Will wraps an arm around my shoulder and looks at the rest of the team and laughs.

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